[Abstract]:Leishmaniasis, a disease of type I (currently a newly emerging uncontrollable disease), has not aroused enough attention, so the disease has become a serious problem worldwide. Moreover, existing drugs are limited and drug side effects are large. In addition, Leishman protozoa has proved to have universal resistance to these drugs. These factors form an obstacle to control the parasites. Secondly, several pathogens have obvious resistance to most antibiotics. Therefore, a different treatment strategy which is different from the past needs to be developed to develop a more efficient, safe (non-toxic) drug that can eliminate the pathogenic microorganism, inhibit the spread of drug resistance and control the leishmaniasis. Parasites and pathogenic bacteria. Among them, nano metal and functional modified drugs with antibacterial and antileishmaniasis activity can be developed. Such materials show the activity of broad-spectrum killing microorganisms. In this study, the metal nanoparticles (nanoscale and nano silver) are prepared and loaded with various sources of plant life. These active molecules have dual functions: (I) reducing the use of heavy metal ions, (II) the long-term stability of the drugs. The preparation of nanoscale gold (AuNPs) and nano silver (AgNPs) drugs is characterized by different characterizations, such as ultraviolet visible, Fu Liye transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X ray diffraction and dynamic lasers. Scattering. Study part I. in this study, the preparation of nanoscale gold / silver particles and drug binding (derived from medicinal plants). The target products were obtained by different conditions (such as pH, temperature, ionic strength and concentration). These nanoparticles (nanoscale / silver) were applied to leishmaniasis and other microbial pathogens. Nanoscale gold / silver materials prepared can effectively inhibit the growth of a variety of similar pathogenic bacteria, such as leishmaniasis pathogenic bacteria, at the concentration of 4.40 to 5.30 g/mL. In addition, these nano gold / silver materials can effectively reduce the bacterial resistance of gram-positive and gram negative bacteria. The biologically active ingredients of Radix Isatidis (Chinese herbal medicine) were obtained by water extraction. The nano silver was synthesized by functional modification of amphotericin B (antibacterials). Amphotericin B nanomaterials and these nanoparticles were used as anti Leishman drugs. Light) the effects of these nanoparticles on the killing of Leishmania were enhanced. Irradiated nano silver (growth inhibition of 88%) and amphotericin B nanossilver (inhibition of growth of 96%) showed a better effect than unirradiated samples (73% growth was inhibited). Our conclusion is that a large amount of nano silver is effectively released when light is irradiated. A large number of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced. These reactive oxygen species destroy the intracellular parasites through a variety of different mechanisms of action. Submaterials - chitosan (with positive electricity) surface modification. The antibacterial activity of nano silver materials with positive and negative electricity was characterized. We observed that the surface modification of nano particles played an important role in its biological activity. The nano silver modified by chitosan (with positive electricity) could raise the drug activity and the silver nanoparticles with negative electricity. By contrast, nano silver can "adsorb" on the cell wall of the target bacteria by electrostatic action, which can increase the antibacterial effect of nano silver with negative electricity. Therefore, the following conclusion can be drawn that the positive nano silver is more easily disintegrated from the cell wall of bacteria compared with the negative electrically charged nano silver. We can conclude from all experiments that the surface chemical properties of the nanoparticles and bacteria play an important role in improving the antiseptic drugs. Our data show that the size of the particle size can affect the catalytic effect of nanoscale gold. The smaller size of gold nanoparticles show a higher activity in the reduction of methylene blue (a dangerous dye). ) and nitrophenol, a dangerous chemical reagent, became a useful product of aminophenol. About 80% of methylene blue disappeared in 80 minutes, under the catalysis of 20nm nanoscale (reaction conditions: pH=8, visible light at 30 C). More important, the kinetic study showed that the small size of gold nanoparticles was more easily made by the nanoscale than the large particle size. The conversion of phenol to aminophenol can be concluded that the change of surface area of nanomaterials plays a key role in catalytic activity.
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