[Abstract]:Objective: to provide reference for standardizing and perfecting the management of drug disassembly and packing in outpatient pharmacy. Methods: a questionnaire survey was conducted in two districts of Shanghai, including 4 community health service centers and 2 level II hospitals, on drug use and drug separation in outpatient pharmacies. And carries on the statistics and the analysis to the survey data. Results: there were 6 questionnaires from agencies and 6 questionnaires from pharmacists. All of them were valid questionnaires. The effective recovery rate was 100. 2015. The community health service centers were interviewed. There were 496.50542.00 kinds of essential drugs and 1 052.00 kinds of drugs sold in second-class hospitals. In the outpatient pharmacy of the community health service center, there were 10 or 21 kinds of drugs, all of which were essential drugs and class A medical insurance drugs. The sales volume of zero-removal drugs was 5.56 ~ 167000 yuan RMB. The number of drugs removed from 2 outpatient pharmacies of second-level hospitals was 170.23, most of which were essential drugs and A type of medical insurance drugs, and the sales of zero-removal drugs were 13.1,98.06 million yuan respectively. The number of drugs sold by the two types of organizations is less than 5%, and the ratio of the total sales of drugs to the total sales of drugs is less than 1%. Estrazolam tablets and alprazolam tablets were among the top 5 in both categories of drug sales. None of the organizations surveyed were equipped with automatic subcontracting machines in outpatient pharmacies, and still carried out drug scrapping and reloading mainly by manual zero removal. Four of them were mainly arranged to remove drugs on a regular basis, and the frequency of zero removal was usually 1 / 3 times a week, supplemented by the arrangement of zero removal on demand. The other 2 have implemented daily zero dismantling, and 5 have formulated the internal work system, but the related system is not perfect. Conclusion: the enthusiasm of the first and second level medical and health institutions and their medicament personnel to carry out or engage in the work of zero removal needs to be improved. The related instructions of zero removal drugs cannot be provided as required, and the mode of zero removal still needs to be explored.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学公共卫生学院;国家卫生计生委卫生技术评估重点实验室;健康风险预警治理协同创新中心;国家卫生计生委药物政策与基本药物制度司;上海市卫生计生委药政管理处;
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