[Abstract]:Norvancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic, and its chemical structure is similar to that of vancomycin, and its antibacterial spectrum and antibacterial activity are similar to vancomycin. Glycopeptide antibiotics are the first choice for the treatment of Gram-positive bacteria, especially methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. With the increasing infection caused by (MRSA) and (MRSE) of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, norvancomycin is used more and more frequently. The adverse reaction of norvancomycin was large and the window of treatment was narrow. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the blood drug concentration during clinical use. At present, the methods for the determination of norvancomycin are fluorescence immunopolarization method (FPIA), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and a small number of experimenters by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry / mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)? The enzyme immunoamplification method (EMIT) has its own advantages and disadvantages. Need a simple method of daily monitoring? Fast? Accurate determination method. Aim: to establish a method for the determination of norvancomycin in plasma by HPLC and EMIT, and to compare the correlation between HPLC and EMIT in the determination of norvancomycin in plasma. The correlation analysis of the monitoring results provides a theoretical basis for the rational use of norvancomycin. Methods: HPLC and EMIT methods were used to determine the concentration of norvancomycin in plasma, and the precision and accuracy of the two methods were verified. Stability. Plasma samples were collected from patients with mevancomycin and their concentrations were determined by HPLC method and EMIT method respectively. The results were analyzed by regression analysis and the correlation was compared. Correlation analysis of blood drug concentration monitoring results: the concentration of norvancomycin in 105 plasma samples was determined by EMIT method and was compared with age, renal function and underlying diseases. Results the retention time of norvancomycin and vancomycin was 8.0 min and 11.0 min, respectively. The standard curve is 0. 0207C-0.0003. The linear range is 2 ~ 100 渭 g / ml and the lowest detection concentration is 2 渭 g / ml. The average recovery (%) was 101.6 卤10.09107.2 卤2.23107.7 卤1.53, respectively. Intra-day RSD was smaller than 15%.EMIT standard curve: -3.4 脳 10-7C3-9.5 脳 10-6C2 0.0042C 0.30342C. The linear range was 2 ~ 50 渭 g / ml. The lowest detection concentration was 2 渭 g/ml.HPLC and EMIT method. The linear regression equation was Y=0.9395X-1.934 (Y:EMIT method 渭 g 路ml X: HPLC 渭 g/ml). Two groups of data matched t test result: P0.05. The serum creatinine level in normal group was higher than that in normal group (P 0.05). The age of 60 to 75 years old group and 75 years old group comparison P 0.05. Conclusion there is a good correlation between the determination of plasma norvancomycin and EMIT, and the plasma concentration and age of norvancomycin in patients monitored. Kidney function? Basic diseases? Combined use of antibiotics has certain correlation, so it is necessary to monitor blood drug concentration.
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