[Abstract]:Hsp90 is a class of molecular chaperones that promote the proper folding of proteins and prevent their degeneration under stress. Its high expression in tumor cells is one of the important factors to maintain the survival and development of tumor. By inhibiting the function of Hsp90, many proto-oncogene proteins can be induced to ubiquitization and degradation, and the natural products such as Geldanamycin and Herbimycin A can competitively occupy the N-terminal ATP binding sites of Hsp90. Blocking its molecular chaperone function is a novel antitumor drug leader. However, the hepatotoxicity caused by the structural fragment of benzoquinone during metabolism has been an important factor limiting the drug. Therefore, it is very important to reconstruct the structural part of benzoquinone. Through literature retrieval and analysis of eutectic structure data, it was found that there was no direct interaction between C _ (18) oxygen atom and protein, while C _ (21) oxygen atom had a great influence on the binding of the whole molecule to Hsp90 protein. Therefore, based on the structural modification of benzoquinone and two modification sites of Ansha chain C _ 4-C _ 5N _ (11), the natural analogue of non-quinone anoxamicin at C _ (18) position was designed. In this paper, the synthetic block of Herbimycin A was constructed by using the Sharpless asymmetric double hydroxylation reaction and the asymmetric epoxidation reaction of Katuski as the key step. The coupling strategy of the original route was improved and aromatic fragments were successfully introduced. Finally, a stereoselective fragment link was completed by dimethyl zinc mediated affinity addition reaction. However, during the last step of the protection group removal, four C15-bit Friedel-Crafts derivatives 102a-102dwere accidentally obtained. The bioactivity analysis showed that the deoxygenation at C18 and the introduction of large substituents at C15 did not decrease the activity. Among them, the biological activity of compound 102a was maintained, and the biological activity of compound 102b was increased about tenfold. Based on the above studies of total synthesis and bioactivity evaluation, the designed C18 deoxyphenol derivatives have good antitumor activity, enrich the study of structure-activity relationship of these natural products, and provide a new idea for structural optimization in the future.
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