发布时间:2018-11-19 09:40
【摘要】:目的:制备尼古丁羟丙基-β-环糊精(HP-β-CD)包合物,并进行包合物的稳定性考察。方法:采用冷冻干燥法制备尼古丁的包合物,通过星点设计-效应面法优化制备工艺,并做了热稳定性初步考察。结果:最佳的包合工艺为HP-β-CD与尼古丁物料摩尔比为3.36∶1,包合温度45℃,包合时间3.5 h,水与HP-β-CD摩尔比为20∶1,平均包合率为56.22%,与预测值吻合。尼古丁采用环糊精包合后稳定性有显著提升。结论:该模型预测下的优化工艺可行,可作为尼古丁包合物的制备工艺。
[Abstract]:Aim: to prepare the inclusion complex of nicotine hydroxypropyl 尾-cyclodextrin (HP- 尾-CD) and investigate its stability. Methods: the inclusion compound of nicotine was prepared by freeze-drying method. The preparation process was optimized by star design-effect surface method, and the thermal stability was investigated. Results: the optimum inclusion conditions were as follows: the molar ratio of HP- 尾-CD to nicotine was 3.36: 1, the inclusion temperature was 45 鈩,
[Abstract]:Aim: to prepare the inclusion complex of nicotine hydroxypropyl 尾-cyclodextrin (HP- 尾-CD) and investigate its stability. Methods: the inclusion compound of nicotine was prepared by freeze-drying method. The preparation process was optimized by star design-effect surface method, and the thermal stability was investigated. Results: the optimum inclusion conditions were as follows: the molar ratio of HP- 尾-CD to nicotine was 3.36: 1, the inclusion temperature was 45 鈩,