[Abstract]:Objective: to control the risk of drug quality in hospital pharmacy and to provide reference for the application of drug quality risk management (QRM) in hospital pharmacy. Methods: through the steps of risk identification, risk assessment, risk control and risk audit, drug QRM; was implemented in the pharmacy of our hospital. Based on the incidence of risk factors and the reutilization rate of returned drugs, the data before (July-December 2015) and after (January-June 2016) in our hospital were compared to evaluate the effect of drug QRM implementation. Results: the high risk factors were determined as follows: whether the special storage drugs should be kept according to the required storage conditions, and whether the quantity of returned drugs was counted to the minimum packaging, the risk score of each factor was more than 4 points; All the high risk factors were reduced to acceptable level (risk score less than 4). Compared with before QRM, the incidence of each risk factor was decreased (1.35%, 6.19%), and the reutilization rate of returned drug was increased (98.64vs.86.32%) (P were less than 0.05). Conclusion: QRM can reduce the risk of drug quality in hospital pharmacy.
【作者单位】: 新疆生产建设兵团医院/石河子大学医学院第二附属医院药学部;
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