发布时间:2023-11-16 20:01
利多卡因是牙科手术过程中最常用于局部麻醉的麻醉药之一。然而,过量使用利多卡因可能导致心跳不均,癫痫发作(抽搐),呼吸减慢,昏迷,呼吸衰竭(呼吸停止),甚至手术后持续麻木三至四小时,这使患者感到不适。为了克服这一问题,我们利用同轴电喷雾方法,制备了含有氧化石墨烯纳米颗粒和利多卡因的核-壳结构水凝胶微液滴。通过优化微液滴制造工艺和其他参数,包括液体流速,施加的电压和同轴距离,我们可以系统地产生稳定的装载利多卡因和氧化石墨烯的水凝胶,其平均尺寸为3μm,可以优化微胶囊药物负荷效率。为了诱导和增强利多卡因药物的可控释放,在这项研究中,我们利用纳米片(氧化石墨烯)的近红外光诱导热效应(PIH)来改善药物释放动力学。在先前与体外释放相关的研究中表明,从水凝胶微胶囊中持续诱导释放药物比普通药物更有效,并且单轴电喷雾产生的微胶囊不会引起任何相关的细胞毒性。研究结果表明,通过使用808 nm的近红外光,封装在水凝胶中的利多卡因可以有效地被控制释放,从而防止其在牙科手术过程中因过量而出现的并发症。
【文章页数】:93 页
Glossary of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Anesthesia & Its Kinds
1.1.1 General Anesthesia
1.1.2 Regional Anesthesia
1.1.3 Local Anesthesia
1.1.4 Monitored Anesthesia
1.2 History of Anesthesia
1.3 Lidocaine
1.4 Chemistry and Structure
1.5 Working Mechanism of Lidocaine
1.6 Dosage and Administration forms of Lidocaine
1.7 Sodium Alginate and its uses
1.8 Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and its properties
1.9 GO NSs Fabrication Methods
1.10 NP as Theronistic
Chapter 2. Electrospray System
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The charged droplets
2.3 Components used for the Electrospray system
2.4 Mode of the coaxial electrospray method
2.5 Parameters influence the cone-jet
2.5.1 Flow rate effect on cone-et
2.5.2 The voltage applied to cone-jet
2.5.3 Nozzle diameter
2.5.4 The Cone-Jet Conductivity
2.5.5 Surface tension in cone-jet
2.5.6 Operating envelop in cone-jet
2.5.7 Electrical Conductivity
2.5.8 Density
2.6 Liquid Properties
2.6.1 Cohesion
2.6.2 Adhesion
2.6.3 Viscosity
2.6.4 Evaporation
2.6.5 Volatility
2.6.6 Surface Tension
2.7 Needle Size
2.8 Electrode Configuration
2.9 Scaling law
Chapter 3. Modeling & Simulation of Graphene Oxide (GO) NanosheetsHeating under Laser Irradiation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Physical model and its mathematical formulation
3.3 Cross section absorbance of GO NSs
3.4 Evolution of SAR
3.5 Photothermal Modelling and Simulation
Chapter 4. Experimental Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials & Methods
4.2.1 Required Materials
4.2.2 Preparation of Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanosheets
4.2.3 Preparation of solutions used for Coaxial Electrospray
4.2.4 Whole experimental setup
4.2.5 Morphology and size distribution
4.2.6 The Encapsulation Efficiency
4.2.7 The in Vitro Drug Release
4.3 Results and Discussion
4.3.1 TEM,AFM,DLS,FTIR, Raman & XRD of GO
4.3.2 Experimental analysis of Graphene Oxide producing heat using laser
4.3.3 Fabrication and characterization of drug-loaded particles
4.3.4 NIR Triggered In-Vitro release kinetics with three different concentrations of GrapheneOxide
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5. Conclusions & Future Works
5.1 Summary
List of References
List of Publications
【文章页数】:93 页
Glossary of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Anesthesia & Its Kinds
1.1.1 General Anesthesia
1.1.2 Regional Anesthesia
1.1.3 Local Anesthesia
1.1.4 Monitored Anesthesia
1.2 History of Anesthesia
1.3 Lidocaine
1.4 Chemistry and Structure
1.5 Working Mechanism of Lidocaine
1.6 Dosage and Administration forms of Lidocaine
1.7 Sodium Alginate and its uses
1.8 Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and its properties
1.9 GO NSs Fabrication Methods
1.10 NP as Theronistic
Chapter 2. Electrospray System
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The charged droplets
2.3 Components used for the Electrospray system
2.4 Mode of the coaxial electrospray method
2.5 Parameters influence the cone-jet
2.5.1 Flow rate effect on cone-et
2.5.2 The voltage applied to cone-jet
2.5.3 Nozzle diameter
2.5.4 The Cone-Jet Conductivity
2.5.5 Surface tension in cone-jet
2.5.6 Operating envelop in cone-jet
2.5.7 Electrical Conductivity
2.5.8 Density
2.6 Liquid Properties
2.6.1 Cohesion
2.6.2 Adhesion
2.6.3 Viscosity
2.6.4 Evaporation
2.6.5 Volatility
2.6.6 Surface Tension
2.7 Needle Size
2.8 Electrode Configuration
2.9 Scaling law
Chapter 3. Modeling & Simulation of Graphene Oxide (GO) NanosheetsHeating under Laser Irradiation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Physical model and its mathematical formulation
3.3 Cross section absorbance of GO NSs
3.4 Evolution of SAR
3.5 Photothermal Modelling and Simulation
Chapter 4. Experimental Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Materials & Methods
4.2.1 Required Materials
4.2.2 Preparation of Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanosheets
4.2.3 Preparation of solutions used for Coaxial Electrospray
4.2.4 Whole experimental setup
4.2.5 Morphology and size distribution
4.2.6 The Encapsulation Efficiency
4.2.7 The in Vitro Drug Release
4.3 Results and Discussion
4.3.1 TEM,AFM,DLS,FTIR, Raman & XRD of GO
4.3.2 Experimental analysis of Graphene Oxide producing heat using laser
4.3.3 Fabrication and characterization of drug-loaded particles
4.3.4 NIR Triggered In-Vitro release kinetics with three different concentrations of GrapheneOxide
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5. Conclusions & Future Works
5.1 Summary
List of References
List of Publications