发布时间:2018-01-13 17:06
本文关键词:延边地区空巢老年人主观幸福感与自我效能、社会支持的相关性研究 出处:《延边大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 空巢老年人 主观幸福感 社会支持 自我效能感
【摘要】:目的:了解空巢老年人问题突出的延边地区老年人的主观幸福感、自我效能感、社会支持水平的现状;分析空巢老年人的主观幸福感与自我效能感、社会支持水平的相关因素;确认并探讨空巢老年人的主观幸福感与自我效能感、社会支持的相关关系。方法:本研究为非实验性研究当中的相关性研究,采用便利抽样的方法,选择延边地区5个县市符合入选标准的518名空巢老人,在被调查者知情同意的前提下采用问卷调查法,问卷内容包括一般社会人口学情况、幸福度量表(MUNSH)、社会支持评定量表SSRS)、一般自我效能感量表(General Self-Efficacy Scale,GSES)。选用计算百分比(%)、均数(x)与标准差(s)、频数等来描述空巢老年人在社会人口学特征、主观幸福感现状、社会支持现状及自我效能感现状的平均水平和变异程度;利用t检验、方差分析的方法,分析空巢老年人的主观幸福感、社会支持、自我效能感在社会人口学特征方面的差异;选用Pearson相关性分析的方法,确认空巢老年人的社会支持、自我效能感与主观幸福感之间的相关性。结果:(1)空巢老年人主观幸福感得分上,正性情感维度平均得分(7.19±1.99)分,一般正性体验维度平均得分(10.17±3.00)分,负性情感维度平均得分为(7.00±3.28)分,一般负性体验平均得分为(7.23±2.82)分。主观幸福感水平换算百分比后一般正性体验维度得分最高、一般负性体验维度得分最低,除一般负性体验以外其他3个维度得分均高于60%。总主观幸福感平均得分为(31.26±10.25)分,介于13分~25分之间,说明延边地区空巢老年人主观幸福感水平处于中等幸福感水平,但与国内较发达的其他地区相比,延边地区空巢老年人的主观幸福感水平还处于较低水平,空巢老年人的主观幸福感水平有待改善。(2)空巢老年人社会支持状况上,主观支持维度平均得分为(20.80±4.70)分,客观支持维度平均得分为(6.99±2.75)分,对支持利用度维度平均得分为(7.42±2.55)分。总社会支持平均得分为(35.43±7.57)分,介于23分~44分之间,说明延边地区空巢老年人的社会支持处于中等水平。(3)空巢老年人的自我效能感平均得分为(2.49±0.78)分,介于2.1-3分之间,说明延边地区空巢老年人拥有中等自我效能感水平,需要对延边地区空巢老年人加大护理干预,提高其自我效能感状况。(4)本次调查的518名空巢老年人当中年龄在60-70岁之间、城市户口、在婚、夫妇同居、日常生活由配偶照顾、子女能够每周探望空巢老年人、大专及以上文化程度、有固定经济来源、平均月生活费在2001元以上、曾经职业为职员类、正在帮助子女照顾孩子、未患有慢性痫、有医疗保险的空巢老年人主观幸福感得分较高,心理健康状况较好。(5)年龄在60-70岁之间、城市户口、夫妇同居、日常生活由配偶照顾、子女能够每周探望空巢老年人、中等文化程度、有固定经济来源、平均月生活费在2001元以上、曾经职业为职员类、正在帮助子女照顾孩子的空巢老年人社会支持得分较高,其社会支持状况较好。(6)女性、年龄在60-70岁之间、汉族、城市户口、夫妇同居、日常生活由配偶照顾、子女能够每周探望空巢老年人、大专以上文化程度、有固定经济来源、平均月生活费在2001元以上、曾经职业为职员类、没有宗教信仰的空巢老年人自我效能感得分较高。(7)研究对象的主观幸福感总得分与空巢老年人的社会支持总得分及各维度、自我效能总分均呈显著正相关,其中主观支持与主观幸福感的相关度最大,其次,相关度从高到低依次为总社会支持、自我效能感、对支持利用度、客观支持。结论:(1)空巢老年人不同的年龄、户籍所在地、婚姻状况、目前居住情况、日常由谁照顾、被子女探望情况、文化程度、有无固定经济来源、平均月生活费数目、曾经的职业、是否帮助子女照顾孩子、是否患有慢性病、是否有医疗保险是主观幸福感的影响因素。应引起社会和相关部门对空巢老年人给予关注,并给予积极的应对措施。(2)空巢老年人不同的年龄、户籍所在地、目前居住情况、日常由谁照顾、被子女探望情况、文化程度、有无固定经济来源、平均月生活费数目、曾经的职业、是否帮助子女照顾孩子是社会支持的影响因素。(3)空巢老年人的性别、年龄、民族、户籍所在地、目前居住情况、日常由谁照顾、被子女探望情况、文化程度、有无固定经济来源、平均月生活费数目、曾经的职业、宗教信仰是自我效能感的影响因素。(4)空巢老年人的主观幸福感总得分与空巢老年人的社会支持总得分及各维度、自我效能总分呈正相关。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the problems of the elderly in Yanbian aged prominent subjective well-being, self-efficacy, social support status level; analysis of the empty nest elderly people's subjective well-being and related factors of self-efficacy, social support level; to confirm and explore empty nest old people's subjective well-being and self-efficacy. The relationship of social support. Methods: This study was to study the correlation between the non experimental study, using the convenience sampling method, 5 counties in Yanbian area with 518 Empty Nester criteria, in the premise of using the method of questionnaire survey was informed consent, the questionnaire included general demographic situation, happiness scale (MUNSH), social support rating scale SSRS), general self-efficacy scale (General Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES). By calculating the percentage (%), mean (x) and standard deviation ( S), to describe the frequency of empty nest elderly in social demographic characteristics, status of subjective well-being, social support status and self-efficacy of the average level and the degree of variation; by using t test and variance analysis method, analysis of the empty nest elderly people's subjective well-being, social support, self-efficacy differences in social demography feature selection method; Pearson correlation analysis, confirm the empty nest elderly social support, self-efficacy and the correlation between subjective well-being. Results: (1) the empty nest elderly scores of subjective well-being, positive emotion dimension average score (7.19 + 1.99) points, general average scores (positive experience 10.17 + 3), negative emotion dimension average score was (7 + 3.28) points, general negative experience scored an average of (7.23 + 2.82). The level of conversion percentage of subjective well-being scores generally positive experience The highest, the lowest score in general negative experience, apart from the general negative experience of other 3 dimensions of 60%. scores were higher than the total SWB average score was (31.26 + 10.25) points, between 13 points to 25 points, the Yanbian area of empty nest elderly subjective well-being level is in the middle level of happiness, but compared with the rest of the more developed, the elderly empty nest in Yanbian area subjective well-being level is still at the low level, the empty nest elderly people's subjective well-being level needs to be improved. (2) the empty nest elderly social support, subjective support dimension average score (20.80 + 4.70) points, the average scores of objective support for (6.99 + 2.75), to support the use of the average scores for (7.42 + 2.55). The total average score of social support (35.43 + 7.57) points, between 23 points to 44 points, Yanbian area of empty nest elderly social support In the middle level. (3) elderly self-efficacy average score was (2.49 + 0.78) points, between 2.1-3 points, that empty nest elderly in Yanbian area have a moderate level of self-efficacy, the need to increase nursing intervention on empty nest elderly in Yanbian area, to improve their self-efficacy. (4). 518 empty nest elderly in this survey, aged between 60-70 years old, city residents, in marriage, couples living together, take care of daily life by the spouse, children can visit every week the elderly, college degree or above, have a fixed source of income, the average monthly living expenses of more than 2001 yuan, once the occupation for staff. Is to help children to take care of the children, not suffering from chronic epilepsy, medical insurance higher scores of subjective well-being of the elderly, mental health status is better. (5) at the age of 60-70, a city hukou, couples living together, with daily life by I can take care of their children, a week to visit the elderly, secondary education, has a fixed source of income, the average monthly living expenses of more than 2001 yuan, once the occupation for staff, are helping children to take care of the children aged higher scores of social support, the social support status better. (6) female, at the age of 60-70 between the Han nationality, city residents, couples living together, take care of daily life by the spouse, children can visit every week the elderly, college degree or above, have a fixed source of income, the average monthly living expenses of more than 2001 yuan, once the occupation for staff, not religious, empty nest elderly self-efficacy score higher (7.) total score and aged subjects of subjective well-being, social support total score and each dimension was positively related to self-efficacy score, subjective support and subjective well-being of the correlation Secondly, the related degree, from high to low general self-efficacy, social support, utilization of support and objective support. Conclusion: (1) elderly of different age, residence, marital status, the daily living conditions, who take care of their children to visit the situation, cultural degree there is no fixed source of income, the average number of monthly living expenses, once the occupation, whether to help their children to take care of the children, whether suffering from chronic diseases, whether the medical insurance is the influence factors of subjective well-being. Should cause the society and the relevant departments to give attention to the elderly, and to give a positive response. (2) the empty nest elderly people of different age, domicile, the daily living conditions, who take care of their children to visit, education, there is no fixed source of income, the average number of monthly living expenses, once the occupation, whether to help their children to take care of the children's social support The influence of factors. (3) the empty nest elderly person's gender, age, nationality, domicile, the daily living conditions, who take care of their children to visit, education, there is no fixed source of income, the average number of monthly living expenses, once the occupation, religious beliefs are the factors influencing self-efficacy. (4) the total score and the empty nest elderly empty nest elderly subjective well-being of the total score of social support and dimensions, self-efficacy scores were positively correlated.
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