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发布时间:2018-03-07 18:48

  本文选题:预防接种门诊 切入点:设置 出处:《现代预防医学》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:目的了解成都市预防接种门诊设置和服务现状,为规范化门诊建设提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查表对全市385家预防接种门诊进行问卷调查。结果全市385家预防接种门诊中大部分为每日运转(53.25%)和每周运转(44.93%),周末运转的门诊占28.31%,每月平均运转天数15.27 d。每日接种儿童数小于100人的门诊占85.19%,大于100人的门诊占14.81%,每日平均接种儿童数55人。门诊预防接种人员数平均为5.4人,其中专职人员2.7人,兼职人员2.7人。全市预防接种人员和服务人口的配比为1.18/万,0~6岁儿童和预防接种专职人员的配比为961∶1。最常用的预约通知方式为现场预约、电话通知、群发短信、村医或村干部通知,后三者的通知频率平均为4.33次/月、2.9次/月、1.45次/月。98.70%的门诊建立了宣传制度,宣传频率平均为5次/年。98.44%的门诊建立了流动儿童搜索制度和管理办法,搜索频率平均为10次/年。绝大部分门诊均设立了咨询和投诉电话,2014年17.40%的门诊接到了有关预防接种的投诉。结论预防接种服务的可及性总体较好,但接种门诊的预防接种专职人员数较少,收到预约通知的频率是影响流动儿童接种率的关键因素。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the current situation of vaccination outpatient service in Chengdu, Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 385 vaccination clinics in the city. Results the majority of the 385 vaccination clinics in the city were operated daily (53.25) and weekly. 44.93%, the number of outpatients running on weekends was 28.31, the average number of days of operation per month was 15.27 days. 85.19 of the total number of children inoculated per day were less than 100 people, 14.81 of them were more than 100 people, 55 of them were vaccinated every day, and the average number of vaccinators was 5.4. Of these, 2.7 are full-time and 2.7 part-time. The ratio of vaccinators and service population in the city is 11,800 / 10000 children aged 6 and 961: 1.The most commonly used appointment notification method is on-site booking and telephone notification. The average frequency of notification of the latter three was 4.33 times / month / month / month 1.45 times / month / month, and 98.70% of the outpatient clinics established a propaganda system. The average frequency of advocacy was 5 times per year. 98.44% of the outpatient clinics had established search systems and management methods for mobile children. The average search frequency was 10 times per year. The majority of outpatients had set up consultation and complaint calls, and in 2014, 17.40% of the outpatients received complaints about vaccination. Conclusion the accessibility of vaccination services is generally good. However, the number of full-time vaccination staff in the vaccination clinic is relatively small, and the frequency of receiving appointment notification is the key factor affecting the coverage rate of floating children.
【作者单位】: 成都市疾病预防控制中心;


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