本文选题:健康风险评价 切入点:水源水 出处:《华中科技大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:对某市七个水厂所监测到的全部化学物质经饮水途径接触人体的健康风险进行了年度及月度的评价,并从中筛选特征污染物,进一步判断水质质量。 方法:本文通过收集整理某市七个水厂水源水与出厂水从1993年到2011年的监测记录,以美国国家科学院提出的健康风险评价模型为基础,结合中国对城市饮用水水质健康风险评价指标体系的修正,计算所有可检出化学物质的年度和月度健康风险值。 结果:(1)水源水和出厂水的非致癌风险年均值,从1993年到2011年均低于10-4,风险较小;致癌风险年均值,从1993年到2011年各水厂出厂水风险值几乎全部在警戒限水平,风险较大。水源水的致癌风险年均值在2009年以前几乎全部在警戒限水平,从2009年后风险值大部分在可接受范围内。并且,非致癌风险和致癌风险都是起伏变化的。总风险高峰在2000年,而后降低。非致癌风险2006年开始上升,在2008年升到最高,2010年开始缓慢下降,至2011年达最低值。致癌风险在2006年升到最高,2008年开始趋于平缓下降。 (2)非致癌风险月均值,从1月份到12月份各水厂风险值均小于10-4,风险较小;致癌风险月均值,七个水厂出厂水在1、4、7、10月的致癌风险月均值均在警戒限水平,风险较高。 (3)按年度分析,1999年至2007年所增加的检测项目(主要是三氯甲烷,四氯化碳,银,硒等)对1999年以前的检测项目(其检测时间为1993-2011年)所反映的非致癌风险及致癌风险总值以及变化趋势的影响并不明显。2008年后所增加的检测项目(主要是有机物)所反映的非致癌风险和致癌风险对2008年前的检测项目(其检测时间为1999-2011年)所反映的非致癌风险和致癌风险总值有较明显的影响,但对其变化趋势的影响并不明显。 (4)某市水源水须重点监测的非致癌毒性物质有四氯化碳、钠、铝、氯化物、三氯甲烷,对砷、镉、铅、氟化物、锑、六价铬要密切监测;某市水源水须重点监测的致癌毒性物质有六价铬、三氯甲烷、氟化物、亚硝酸盐、四氯化碳、砷、镉;某市出厂水须重点监测的非致癌毒性物质有钠、氯化物、铝、三氯甲烷、四氯化碳,对砷、锑、余氯、氟化物、镉、氨氮、汞要密切监测;某市出厂水须重点监测的致癌毒性物质有六价铬、三氯甲烷、氟化物、砷、二氯一溴甲烷、亚硝酸盐、四氯化碳、镉。 (5)水源水水质合格情况按水厂从高到低依次是D,,E,G,A,F,B,C。出厂水水质合格情况按水厂从高到低依次是D,C,G,E,A,F,B。B水厂和C水厂处理源水效果更好。 结论:某市水质变化趋势总体趋于更加安全,从健康角度来看水质需进一步提高,建议继续加大控制特征污染物力度,保证居民饮水健康。
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the annual and monthly health risks of all chemicals detected by seven water plants in a certain city, and to screen out the characteristic pollutants and to judge the quality of water quality. Methods: based on the health risk assessment model proposed by the National Academy of Sciences, the monitoring records of the source water and the ex-factory water from 1993 to 2011 in seven water plants in a certain city were collected and sorted. The annual and monthly health risk values of all detectable chemicals are calculated based on the revision of the health risk assessment index system for urban drinking water quality in China. Results: (1) the annual mean non-carcinogenic risk of source water and ex-factory water was lower than 10-4 from 1993 to 2011, and the annual average of carcinogenic risk was almost all at the warning limit level from 1993 to 2011. The risk is high. The annual mean of carcinogenic risk of source water is almost entirely within the warning limit level until 2009, and most of the risk values after 2009 are within the acceptable range. And, Both non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks fluctuate. The total risk peaked in 2000 and then decreased. The non-carcinogenic risk began to rise in 2006, peaked in 2008, and began to decline slowly in 2010. The risk of cancer rose to its highest level in 2006 and began to flatten down in 2008. (2) the monthly mean of non-carcinogenic risk was less than 10-4 from January to December, and the monthly mean of carcinogenic risk was less than 10-4, and the monthly mean of carcinogenic risk of seven water plants was at 1 / 4 / 7, and the monthly mean value of carcinogenic risk in October was at the warning limit level, and the risk was higher. Annual analysis of additional testing items from 1999 to 2007 (mainly trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, silver, Selenium et al.) does not have a significant impact on the total non-carcinogenic risk and the total carcinogenic risk and trends reflected in the pre-1999 test items (its detection time is 1993-2011). The additional test items (mainly organics) have been added since 2008. The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks reflected have a more significant impact on the total value of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks as reflected in the pre-2008 test project (the test time is 1999-2011), But the influence on its change trend is not obvious. (4) the non-carcinogenic toxic substances to be monitored in source water of a certain city are carbon tetrachloride, sodium, aluminum, chloride, trichloromethane, and closely monitor arsenic, cadmium, lead, fluoride, antimony and hexavalent chromium; The carcinogenic toxic substances to be monitored in a city's source water are chromium hexavalent, trichloromethane, fluoride, nitrite, carbon tetrachloride, arsenic and cadmium. Carbon tetrachloride, for arsenic, antimony, residual chlorine, fluoride, cadmium, ammonia nitrogen, mercury to be closely monitored; a city factory water to focus on monitoring carcinogenic toxic substances such as hexavalent chromium, trichloromethane, fluoride, arsenic, dichloro-methyl bromide, nitrite, Carbon tetrachloride, cadmium. (5) the quality qualification of source water is from high to low in order of water treatment, and the quality of raw water is better treated by water plant from high to low, and from high to low to from high to low, and the treatment of source water by C water treatment plant is better than that of water treatment plant in the order of water quality qualification from high to low at the water plant, and from the high to the low, the water quality of the original water is better than that of the water treatment plant at the C water treatment plant. Conclusion: the change trend of water quality in a certain city tends to be more safe, and the water quality needs to be further improved from the point of view of health. It is suggested that we should continue to strengthen the control of characteristic pollutants and ensure the health of drinking water for residents.
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