本文选题:维吾尔族 切入点:学生 出处:《现代预防医学》2017年15期
【摘要】:目的了解新疆维吾尔族中小学生身体素质变化规律和特点。方法采用整群抽样法,以学校为单位,随机选取城市11所中小学,乡村17所中小学的维吾尔族学生,进行测试。结果 2015年和2010年比较:城市各年龄段维吾尔族男女学生耐力素质、下肢爆发力、力量素质呈现不同程度的增长;50米和坐位体前屈以城、乡、男、女呈现不同趋势。2015年城乡比较:城市男女生力量素质、柔韧素质普遍低于乡村男女生;城市男生立定跳远优于乡村男生,城市女生立定跳远低于乡村女生;50米、耐力素质按城、乡、男、女以青春发育期前后为断点呈现不同趋势。2015年城乡差距与2010年比较:50米城乡差距明显增大;耐力素质城乡差距缩小;男生立定跳远城乡差距增大,女生缩小;男生力量素质城乡差距缩小,女生增大。结论城市各年龄段维吾尔族中小学生耐力素质、下肢爆发力、力量素质不断增长,乡村中小学生各素质指标有升有降。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the changes of physical fitness of Uygur primary and middle school students in Xinjiang. Methods Uygur students from 11 primary and secondary schools in cities and 17 primary and middle schools in rural areas were randomly selected by cluster sampling method. Results in 2015 and 2010, Uighur male and female students of all ages in urban areas showed different degrees of growth in endurance quality, lower extremity explosive power, strength quality, and sitting position. In 2015, the strength and flexibility of urban and rural male and female students were generally lower than that of rural male and female students; urban boys were superior to rural boys in standing long jump; urban girls were lower than rural girls in standing long jump by 50 meters. The gap between urban and rural areas in 2015 and 2010 increased obviously compared with 2010; the gap between urban and rural areas of endurance quality narrowed; the gap between urban and rural areas of boys standing long jump increased and that of girls narrowed. Conclusion the stamina quality, lower extremity explosive force and strength quality of Uygur primary and middle school students of all ages in urban areas are increasing, and the quality indexes of rural primary and middle school students have increased and decreased.
【作者单位】: 新疆医科大学公共体育教研部;
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