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发布时间:2018-05-02 22:09

  本文选题:小学生 + 家长 ; 参考:《大理学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:通过对大理州农村学校校内外食品小卖部基本条件、卫生状况、卫生许可情况、小卖部经营者相关情况进行调查,了解农村学校校内外食品小卖部卫生状况,结合小学生及其家长对食品卫生及食品安全的知、信、行现状,对大理州农村儿章食品卫生现状及安全因素做进一步分析,为如何解决大理州农村儿童食品安全问题提供科学依据。 方法:采用分层整群抽样方法对剑川县、洱源县、漾濞县、大理市、祥云县、南涧县六县市的农村食品小卖部卫生状况和农村小学生及其家长对儿童食品卫生的知、信、行进行现况调查。共计调查小卖部685家,农村小学生1659人,小学生家长1681人。本次调查采用封闭式调查问卷对调查对象进行匿名调查。所有数据采用Epidata3.02录入,并采用SPSS20.0对大理州农村学校校内外食品小卖部基本情况、卫生状况等进行统计分析。双侧假设检验水准为a=0.05。 结果:(1)大理州小学生营养与食品卫生知识总体知晓率为64.8%,略高于全国平均水平。其中,81.0%的小学生认为“饮料没有白开水好”,对此问题认知程度最高;而仅有36.2%学生知道食品内可能含有添加剂,对此问题认知程度最低。(2)在食品安全认知态度方面,80.0%的大理州农村小学生持正向态度,其中正向态度率最高的是对蔬菜存放的认识(94.0%);最低的是对食品安全QS标志的认知(63.1%)。(3)在食品安全健康行为形成方面,大理州小学生有利健康行为总形成率仅达60.0%。仅有56.3%的小学生能够坚持每天吃早餐,58.5%的小学生没有挑食的习惯。(4)83.9%的家长关注儿童食品卫生问题,51.3%的家长和孩子经常讨论零食的话题,53.7%的家长会经常教孩子如何购买零食。(5)不同县市、不同户口类型、不同性别、不同年级、不同家庭经济条件的小学生食品卫生知识知晓率和行为形成率间存在一定差异,且差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。(6)小学生家长的受文化程度、职业的影响,对儿童食品安全的关注程度不同。(7)食品小卖部卫生许可办证率低,所调查685家食品小卖部中卫生许可证办证率仅为57.7%。(8)学校周边食品小卖部所售食品食品包装上有不同程度的污渍,自制食品卫生状况得不到保障。(9)食品小卖部经营者文化程度较低,经营者法律意识薄弱。 结论:1、受地域、性别、民族、是否为独生子女、家庭经济收入、年级等因素的影响,大理州农村小学生对食品卫生与营养知识的总知晓率较低,仅为64.8%,同时持负向态度人群所占比例较大(20.0%),有待于进一步提高。2、仅有60.0%的大理州农村小学生形成了有利的健康饮食行为,其主要影响因素为地域、性别、民族、是否为独生子女、家庭经济收入情况、户口类型、年级等,针对小学生的食品与营养卫生健康促进工作仍需加强。3、学生家长对儿童食品卫生关注度较高(83.7%),但是学生家长与儿童关于食品卫生方面日常沟通较少,教育方式有待改变。4、农村学校周围食品小卖部卫生许可办证率低,缺乏相关部门的规范管理。所售食品卫生状况堪忧,自制食品卫生状况得不到保障。5、农村学校周边食品小卖部经营者文化程度较低,食品卫生相关知识认知程度不高,食品安全意识不强。
[Abstract]:Objective: To investigate the health status of the food sales department in rural school and outside school through the investigation of the basic conditions, health status, health license, and the operators of the sales department in Dali rural school, and to understand the status of the food safety and food safety of the primary school students and their parents, and the status of the food safety and food safety of the pupils and their parents, and to the farmers in Dali state. Further analysis is made on the current situation and safety factors of food hygiene in village chapter, which provides scientific basis for solving the food safety problems of children in rural areas of Dali.
Methods: a stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate the health status of the rural food sales department in Jianchuan County, Eryuan County, Yangbi County, Dali City, Xiangyun County, Nanjian County, six counties and counties of Nanjian County, and the rural primary school pupils and their parents' knowledge, letter and line on the food hygiene of children. The total investigation was 685, 1659 rural primary school pupils and 168 pupils' parents. 1 people. The survey was conducted anonymously by a closed questionnaire. All data were recorded by Epidata3.02, and SPSS20.0 was used to analyze the basic situation of the food sales department in rural schools in Dali state, and the health status. The bilateral hypothesis test level was a=0.05.
Results: (1) the overall awareness rate of nutrition and food hygiene knowledge of primary school students in Dali was 64.8%, slightly higher than the national average. Among them, 81% of the primary school students thought that "drinks did not have good boiled water", and that only 36.2% students knew that there might be additives in food. (2) In terms of food safety cognition attitude, 80% of rural primary school students in Dali have positive attitude, of which the highest positive attitude rate is the understanding of vegetable storage (94%); the lowest is the cognition of food safety QS sign (63.1%). (3) in the recipe of food safety and health, the total formation rate of healthy behavior of pupils in Dali state is only 60. Only 56.3% of primary school students were able to eat breakfast every day, 58.5% of primary school students had no food pickup habits. (4) 83.9% of parents were concerned about food hygiene, 51.3% of parents and children often discussed snacks, and 53.7% of parents often taught children how to buy snacks. (5) different counties, different household types, sex, and years. There were certain differences in the awareness rate and the formation rate of food hygiene knowledge of pupils with different family economic conditions, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). (6) the parents' cultural degree, the influence of the occupation, the degree of attention to the children's food safety were different. (7) the rate of health license of the food sales department was low and the 685 food was investigated. The certificate rate of the health license in the product sales department was only 57.7%. (8) the food food package sold in the vicinity of the school had different stains on the food and food package, and the hygienic condition of the self-made food was not guaranteed. (9) the managers of the food sales department were less educated and the operator's legal consciousness was thin and weak.
Conclusion: 1, the total awareness rate of food hygiene and nutrition knowledge in rural primary school students in Dali is low, only 64.8%, and the proportion of negative attitude population is only 64.8% (20%). It needs to be further improved by.2 and only 60% of the rural Dali state. Primary school students formed a favorable healthy eating behavior, the main factors affecting the region, sex, national, whether it is only child, family economic income, household registration type, grade and so on, the food and nutrition health promotion work of primary school students still need to be strengthened.3, the parents of the students are more concerned about the food hygiene of children (83.7%), but study The daily communication between the parents and the children on food hygiene is less, the way of education needs to be changed.4, the health license rate of the food sales department around the rural schools is low, the standard management of the relevant departments is lack, the food hygiene situation is worried, the condition of the food hygiene of the self-made food is not guaranteed.5, and the business of the food sales department around the rural schools is the operator. The degree of cognition is low, food hygiene knowledge is not high, and food safety awareness is not strong.



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