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发布时间:2018-05-16 20:51

  本文选题:汞暴露风险 + 发汞含量 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:为了对中国普通居民的日常汞暴露情况进行定量研究,本研究对中国不同地区居民的膳食消费情况及头发中汞含量进行了调查分析,并利用所调查数据对发汞的浓度进行了模拟预测。通过对实测的发汞数据和模型的预测结果进行对比分析,评价汞暴露预测模型的有效性,以期建立人群汞暴露风险的有效评估模型。 本研究针对中国具有代表性的不同地区普通居民(沿海地区的大连、淡水流域的武汉及内陆地区的河南)的膳食消费情况进行了问卷调查,同时收集头发样本进行汞含量的化学分析。为了解居民汞暴露的膳食来源,收集市场上常见的水产品、谷物、蔬菜等膳食样品进行汞含量分析。利用居民的膳食调查数据及实测的膳食汞含量水平,根据人群汞暴露风险评估模型,采用Monte Carlo技术对大连地区人群汞暴露的风险水平进行了模拟分析。 本研究共收集到有效的调查问卷和头发样本共331份。头发样本总汞含量分析结果显示大连(0.46+0.55gg/g)、武汉(0.44+0.30μg/g)居民的发汞水平明显高于河南地区(0.22±0.17μg/g),三地区居民的发汞总体水平为0.39+0.44(0.04-6.22)μg/g。膳食汞含量的分析结果为水产品(主要是大连地区常见的21种)总汞平均含量为26.0+18μg/kg,谷物(12种)为2.21μg/kgg,蔬菜(13种)为0.96gg/kg。 人群汞暴露风险模型模拟结果显示,大连地区居民膳食汞的摄入量为2.58+0.85μg/d,发汞浓度为0.48±0.44μg/g;与美国EPA人体汞摄入参考剂量的0.1μg/kg/day相比,人群发汞的超标率为2.5%。本研究实测的发汞超标率为3.9%,模拟结果比实测结果的超标率偏低。 本研究的结果表明,沿海地区普通居民与内陆地区的汞暴露水平具有显著性差异,这说明居民的水产品消费与人群汞暴露水平直接相关。利用居民膳食消费量和膳食汞含量水平建立的人群汞暴露风险模型模拟的发汞浓度水平与实际调查结果对比发现,本研究建立的模型可以用于普通人群汞暴露的风险评估。此模型为后续的人群汞暴露水平的膳食干预策略及风险/收益的比较分析提供了一个有效的定量评价工具。
[Abstract]:In order to quantitatively study the daily mercury exposure of ordinary residents in China, the dietary consumption and hair mercury content in different areas of China were investigated and analyzed. The mercury concentration in hair was simulated and forecasted by the investigated data. The effectiveness of the mercury exposure prediction model was evaluated by comparing the measured mercury emission data and the predicted results of the model, in order to establish an effective assessment model of mercury exposure risk in the population. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the dietary consumption of ordinary residents in different regions of China (Dalian in coastal area, Wuhan in freshwater basin and Henan in inland area). Hair samples were also collected for chemical analysis of mercury content. In order to understand the dietary sources of mercury exposure of residents, and collect the common aquatic products, cereals, vegetables and other dietary samples for mercury content analysis. Based on the dietary survey data of residents and the measured dietary mercury levels, the risk level of mercury exposure in Dalian population was simulated and analyzed by using Monte Carlo technology according to the risk assessment model of population mercury exposure. A total of 331 valid questionnaires and hair samples were collected in this study. The total mercury content in hair samples was 0.46 0.55 g / g and 0.44 0.30 渭 g / g in Dalian and Wuhan, respectively. The hair mercury level was significantly higher than that in Henan province (0.22 卤0.17 渭 g / g), and the overall level of hair mercury in the three areas was 0.39 0.44 渭 g / g 0.04-6.22 渭 g / g. The results showed that the average total mercury content of aquatic products (mainly 21 species in Dalian area) was 26.018 渭 g / kg, 12 species of grain was 2.21 渭 g / kg, and 13 species of vegetables were 0.96 g / kg 路kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1) of total mercury. The simulated results of population mercury exposure model showed that the dietary mercury intake and hair mercury concentration were 2.58 0.85 渭 g / d and 0.48 卤0.44 渭 g / g respectively in Dalian, and the excess rate of mercury in human hair was 2.5 渭 g/kg/day compared with 0.1 渭 g/kg/day of the reference dose of EPA in the United States. The measured excess rate of mercury in this study is 3.9, and the simulation results are lower than the measured results. The results showed that there were significant differences between the general residents and the inland areas in the level of mercury exposure, which indicated that the consumption of aquatic products was directly related to the level of mercury exposure in the population. The mercury concentrations simulated by the population mercury exposure risk model based on the dietary consumption and dietary mercury level were compared with the actual survey results. It was found that the model could be used to assess the risk of mercury exposure in the general population. This model provides an effective quantitative evaluation tool for dietary intervention strategies and risk / benefit comparative analysis of mercury exposure levels in subsequent populations.


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