本文选题:人工流产 + 宫腔粘连 ; 参考:《重庆医学》2017年05期
【摘要】:目的了解妇科流产患者对人流术后宫腔粘连风险的知情度。方法采用自编《妇科门诊人流患者交流质量评估表》对2015年6-11月在重庆医科大学第一附属医院妇科门诊进行人工流产术的360例患者进行调查。结果 83.9%的患者能提供既往妊娠史和生育史,24.2%的患者能准确复述人流手术后的用药和注意事项,13.1%的患者了解宫腔粘连的风险,9.7%的患者了解宫腔粘连对生育的影响,31.9%的患者愿意使用药物预防宫腔粘连,其中自然流产患者和多次人流患者中分别有67.6%和31.5%的患者了解宫腔粘连风险,总体有61.9%的患者有很大压力,希望医生和护士更多地给予关注和建议。结论医务工作者应当加强对人流术后宫腔粘连的风险告知。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the risk of intrauterine adhesion after abortion in gynecological abortion patients. Methods 360 patients undergoing artificial abortion in the gynecological outpatient clinic of the first affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from June to November 2015 were investigated by using the Self-made Communication quality Assessment Table of Gynecological outpatient in outpatient Department of Gynecological outpatient Service. Results 83.9% of the patients could provide previous pregnancy history and birth history 24.2% of the patients could accurately repeat the medication after abortion and 13.1% of the patients knew the risk of intrauterine adhesions and 9.7% of the patients knew the influence of intrauterine adhesions on fertility. 31.9% of the patients were willing to use drugs to prevent intrauterine adhesions. Among them, 67.6% and 31.5% of spontaneous abortion patients and multiple abortion patients were aware of the risk of intrauterine adhesion, and 61.9% of the patients had great pressure, hoping that doctors and nurses would pay more attention and advice. Conclusion Medical workers should enhance the risk of intrauterine adhesions after abortion.
【作者单位】: 重庆医科大学第一附属医院妇产科;中国药房杂志社;
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