发布时间:2018-07-25 13:08
【摘要】:第一章分别介绍了甲基丙烯酸甲酯、双酚A和硫化氢的卫生检验研究意义和当前研究进展,并分别简要阐述了本课题所建立的甲基丙烯酸甲酯、双酚A和硫化氢卫生检验新方法的基本原理和定量测定依据。 第二章建立了聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)义齿基托材料中残留甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)的高效液相色谱测定方法,并分析它在水、生理盐水、白酒这三种提取液中的溶出特性。提取液经Agilent TC-C_(18)色谱柱分离,用乙腈-水(70+30)溶液洗脱,在波长210nm处进行检测。MMA浓度为0.05μg/mL~100μg/mL时,MMA的峰面积与浓度之间呈现良好的线性关系,检出限为0.03μg/mL,回收率为99.50%~102.00%。该方法灵敏度高,准确性好,MMA在52°白酒中的溶出量很大,在生理盐水中的溶出量较小,在水中的溶出量很小(≤0.44mg/g)。 第三章建立了双酚A的共振光散射检测新方法。在pH8.0的B-R缓冲溶液中,KI04-藏红T-双酚A体系发生氧化还原反应和离子缔合反应,使藏红T在332nm和560nm处的共振光散射强度都明显增强,其改变值(ΔI)与双酚A浓度(ρ)之间呈良好的线性关系:在332nm处,ρ=0.010~2.40μg/mL时,线性回归方程为ΔI=356.93ρ(μg/mL)+19.77;在560nm处,ρ=0.024~2.40μg/mL时,ΔI=245.45ρ(μg/mL)+1.46。检出限分别为2.86ng/mL和7.10ng/mL。以332nm为测定波长时,样品加标回收率分别为93.88%~103.33%和101.67%~105.00%,相对标准偏差分别为3.52%~7.80%和4.23%~8.33%。方法简单,便宜,灵敏度高。用于塑料薄膜及桶装饮用水中双酚A的测定,结果满意。 第四章基于S~(2-)能猝灭荧光素汞的共振荧光,,建立了共振荧光猝灭法测定生物信使分子硫化氢的新方法。在KH_2PO_4-NaOH缓冲溶液体系中,荧光素汞分子共振荧光强,光谱图形尖锐,检测中荧光干扰因素少。在优化的试验条件下,硫化氢浓度在7.38×10~(-8)~1.05×10~(-6)mol/L范围内,体系的ΔF值与硫化氢浓度之间具有良好的线性关系,线性回归方程为ΔF=20.62c-5.35(c为硫化氢的浓度,×10~(-7)mol/L),检出限为2.21×10~(-8)mol/L,加标回收率为91.80%~97.45%。该方法灵敏,操作简便,用于生物信使分子硫化氢的测定,结果满意。
[Abstract]:In the first chapter, the significance and progress of sanitary test of methyl methacrylate, bisphenol A and hydrogen sulfide are introduced respectively, and the methyl methacrylate which has been established in this subject is briefly described. The basic principle and quantitative determination basis of a new hygienic test method for bisphenol A and hydrogen sulfide. In chapter 2, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of methyl methacrylate (MMA) residue in (PMMA) denture base material was established, and its dissolution characteristics in water, saline and liquor were analyzed. The extract was separated by Agilent TC-C18 column and eluted with acetonitrile-water (7030) solution. The linear relationship between the peak area and concentration of Agilent was observed at the wavelength of 210nm. The detection limit was 0.03 渭 g / mL, and the recovery was 99.50102.00. The method has the advantages of high sensitivity and good accuracy. The dissolution amount of MMA in 52 掳liquor is very large, that in physiological saline is small, and that in water is very small (鈮
[Abstract]:In the first chapter, the significance and progress of sanitary test of methyl methacrylate, bisphenol A and hydrogen sulfide are introduced respectively, and the methyl methacrylate which has been established in this subject is briefly described. The basic principle and quantitative determination basis of a new hygienic test method for bisphenol A and hydrogen sulfide. In chapter 2, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of methyl methacrylate (MMA) residue in (PMMA) denture base material was established, and its dissolution characteristics in water, saline and liquor were analyzed. The extract was separated by Agilent TC-C18 column and eluted with acetonitrile-water (7030) solution. The linear relationship between the peak area and concentration of Agilent was observed at the wavelength of 210nm. The detection limit was 0.03 渭 g / mL, and the recovery was 99.50102.00. The method has the advantages of high sensitivity and good accuracy. The dissolution amount of MMA in 52 掳liquor is very large, that in physiological saline is small, and that in water is very small (鈮