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发布时间:2018-09-10 18:24
[Abstract]:It is of great significance to understand the physical activities of the elderly in rural areas and their influencing factors to improve their ability to take care of themselves and to lighten the burden of the aged. Based on the analysis of the existing literature, and based on the baseline data of China's health and old-age tracking survey in 2011, a mathematical statistical analysis method, such as the generalized hierarchical linear model, is used. The relationship between physical activity status and individual characteristics of the elderly in rural areas was discussed, and the influence of village environmental factors on the physical activity level of the elderly in rural areas was discussed. In our country, the level, age, education level, marital status, self-assessment of health status, self-evaluation ability, self-assessment of living standard and so on are significantly related to the level of physical activity. At the village environmental level, the type of residence of the elderly, the degree of neatness of the village roads, and whether the farmers' market is in the village are significantly related to the level of physical activity of the rural elderly, in addition, The outdoor fitness place also has the big statistical correlation relation to the rural old people's physical activity level. In order to popularize the active lifestyle in rural areas of China, we should pay special attention to strengthening the rural environment's friendly and livable construction to the elderly, so as to effectively promote the elderly to actively carry out physical activities, improve their health level and their ability to take care of themselves.
【作者单位】: 北京大学体育教研部;华盛顿大学老年研究中心;北京大学人口研究所;


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