[Abstract]:Food safety is not only a livelihood plan, but also an important symbol of national civilization. Food-borne pathogens, as one of the most important risk factors for food safety, have become a global public safety problem. The transmission of drug-resistant genes in the food chain is often ignored in food safety studies. Because of the extensive use of antibiotics in the medical field and animal husbandry, some residual antibiotics flow into the environment with medical waste and animal feces and spread, forming antibiotics with sub-inhibitory concentration. However, the mechanism of drug resistance gene transmission induced by low dose antibiotics has not been fully understood, which limits the understanding of the potential risk of drug resistance gene transmission in food source microorganisms. In this study, from the point of view of food safety, the mechanism of drug resistance gene transmission and inhibition methods were studied systematically and deeply. In this paper, we first studied the effect of four different antibiotic stimuli on the transmission efficiency of Escherichia coli resistance gene. We found that ciprofloxacin and streptomycin were lower than 50%MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration). The stimulation conditions of ampicillin can promote the level transmission of drug resistance gene. Then protein two-dimensional electrophoresis technique was used to study the expression of differentially expressed proteins under the stimulation of antibiotic subinhibitory concentration. Seven of the differential proteins were related to the horizontal transmission of bacterial drug resistance genes (gspE,tesB,lexA,ftsZ,ftsY,kdsD,sul1.). By real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR, the genes encoding the seven proteins were verified at the RNA transcription level. It was confirmed that two of the genes were differentially expressed under the stimulation of four antimicrobial mechanisms, and the change trend was the same. Then the expression vector of gspE and tesB gene was constructed and induced in E. coli. It was found that the high expression of tesB gene could effectively inhibit the horizontal transmission of drug resistance gene (p0.01). The high expression of gspE gene can promote the level transmission of drug resistance gene (p0.01). The results showed that the genes of TSE B and gspE were the key genes in the horizontal transmission of drug resistance genes of Escherichia coli. This finding provides a feasible research direction for scientific mitigation of drug resistance gene transmission and inhibition of drug resistance gene transmission in the food chain.
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