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发布时间:2018-10-15 21:07
【摘要】:研究背景 水是构成自然环境的基本要素,是地球上的重要资源,也是一切生命系统生存和发展的物质基础。地球总水量为13.8亿km3,淡水储量为3500余万km3,占总储量的2.53%;我国淡水资源总量为2800km3,占全球水资源的6%,但是我国拥有13亿人口,人均淡水资源量只有2300m3,仅为世界平均水平的1/4。随着经济社会的发展,水的地位与作用受到世界普遍关注,我国的淡水资源存在严重的短缺问题。 生活饮用水是人类生存不可缺少的要素,安全的饮用水更是人类生存的基本要求。近年来,由于经济的快速发展、治污技术和工作的相对滞后,全国很多河流和不少城市地表水和地下水已受到不同程度的污染,七大流域有一半以上的地表水不适合居民饮用,生活饮用水安全问题十分严峻。《中国农村饮用水安全工程管理实践与探索》称,中国农村饮用水水源地水质和环境卫生状况形势非常严峻,天然劣质水问题突出,农村饮用水水源地污染严重。2008年《中国水业政策与风险分析》指出,目前中国有8000多万农村人口饮用水含氟量超过生活饮用水卫生标准,4000多万人在饮用苦咸水,200万人受到饮用水砷污染的影响。 农村饮用水安全是反映农村居民生活质量的重要标志之一,也是衡量社会经济发展和人类生活质量的重要指标。为摸清聊城市农村生活饮用水安全现状,为以后生活饮用水的改善和提高提供依据,聊城市疾病预防控制中心于2008-2011年连续对聊城市农村生活饮用水进行水质监测和检测,为完善农村饮用水水质卫生监测网络,促进广大农民群众饮用水水质质量的提高,从根本上解决农村饮用水安全问题,切实促进农村地区经济和社会事业的和谐快速发展提供科学依据。 研究目的 本研究的主要目的是通过对聊城市最近四年农村生活饮用水水质调查分析,了解聊城市农村生活饮用水水质变化及供水现状,分析农村生活饮用水水质安全状况影响因素,为制定农村地区饮水安全发展规划提供参考和依据。具体目的如下:1、本研究通过对聊城市2008-2011年的农村饮用水水质监测结果分析,及时掌握聊城市农村地区生活饮用水水质变化及供水现状;2、为制定聊城市农村地区生活饮用水安全发展规划、建设社会主义新农村积累数据资料、提供科学依据;3、保障广大农民群众能够饮用安全、卫生的生活饮水,有效提高农村地区居民的生活质量和健康水平,促进农村地区经济和社会事业的和谐发展。 资料与方法 按照《全国农村饮水安全工程“十一五”规划》要求,随机选择聊城市已建成的8个县(市、区)的农村集中式供水安全工程作为监测对象,要求为供水量达到20吨/日(供水人口约200人)以上的集中式供水工程。各监测县(市、区)根据当地情况选择监测点,并相对固定保持连续监测。采集样本之前先对监测点的水质基本情况进行调查,填写调查表并做好各项记录。集中式供水监测点在枯水期和丰水期各取一次水样包括出厂水和末梢水两份水样。出厂水在送水泵房(二级泵房)采样或在距送水泵房最近的水龙头采样;末梢水在居民家中的水龙头采样,用盛水容器直接取样。每年的3-4月进行枯水期样品的采集,7-8月进行丰水期样品的采集。检测指标包括感官性状和一般化学指标,毒理学指标,细菌学指标,与消毒有关的指标。水质检测结果按照GB5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行评价。采用回顾性流行病学调查方法,收集2008-2011年聊城市农村饮用水水质监测数据信息,采用SPSS16.0软件进行统计分析,率间的比较采用X2检验,P0.05差异有统计学意义。 结论 1聊城市农村饮用水安全工程总体效果显著,基本解决了某些区域长年饮用苦水、咸水、高氟水(除个别轻度超标)问题,多数监测指标正常,较以往大大改善了村民的饮水现状。 2聊城市农村集中式供水系统供水设施未进行有效的工艺处理,没有消毒设备,一旦有病原体污染水源,很可能发生肠道传染病的爆发。 32008-2011年聊城市农村生活饮用水总合格率较低。 42008-2011年聊城市农村生活饮用水氟化物、硫酸盐和总硬度的合格率较低,需要相应部门及时采取针对性措施,确保农村生活饮用水的安全。 5除了2009年,2008-2011年聊城市农村生活饮用水细菌学指标合格率枯水期高于丰水期。 62008-2011年聊城市农村生活饮用水感官性状和一般化学指标、砷、硝酸盐的合格率无显著差异,表明该地区农村生活饮用水理化指标比较稳定。 建议 1提高对农村饮用水安全问题的认识,加强对农村饮用水安全建设工作的领导,抓紧理顺水务管理体制。 2根据各地经济社会发展水平和水资源条件,科学规划,合理布局。 3各级政府要发挥主导作用,加大投入力度,特别是本地财政经费投入,建立农村村级饮水工程长效工作保障机制。 4完善农村饮用水安全监测体系,定期或不定期地对各类饮水系统进行水质监测,通报水质状况,指导农民饮用安全水,发挥政府的管理作用。 5加强水源保护,确保饮用水源水质安全。 6广泛开展农村饮用水安全科普知识宣传教育。 7在高氟或高硬度水地区要加装除氟装置,并确保定期更换离子交换树脂,降低水中有害元素的影响。
[Abstract]:Background of study Water is an essential element of the natural environment and is an important resource in the earth, and it is also a material for the survival and development of all life systems The total amount of fresh water in China is 13,800 million km3, and the fresh water reserves are 35 million km3, accounting for 2.53% of the total reserves; the total amount of fresh water resources in China is 2800km3, accounting for 6% of the global water resources. However, China has 1.3 billion people, and the per capita fresh water resource is only 2300m3, which is only 1 of the world average. 4. With the development of economy and society, the status and role of water are generally concerned by the world, and there is a serious shortage of fresh water resources in our country Problem. Drinking water is the indispensable element of human existence. Safe drinking water is the survival of human beings. In recent years, due to the rapid development of economy, the relative lagging of sewage treatment technology and work, many rivers and many cities in the country have been polluted by different degrees, and more than half of the surface water does not apply to the seven large basins. Drinking and drinking water safety questions for residents The problem is very serious. said that China's rural drinking water source area water quality and environmental sanitation situation is very serious, the natural poor water problem is outstanding, the pollution of drinking water sources in rural areas is serious. In 2008, China's water industry policy and risk It is pointed out that more than 80 million rural population drinking water in China currently has more than 80 million drinking water hygiene standards, more than 40 million people are drinking salt water, and 2 million people are drinking water arsenic The safety of drinking water in rural areas is one of the important signs reflecting the quality of life of rural residents, and it is also a measure of social and economic development and human life. It is an important index of living quality. In order to find out the present situation of safe drinking water in rural areas, we can provide the basis for the improvement and improvement of drinking water in the future. To improve the quality of drinking water quality in rural areas, to improve the quality of drinking water quality in rural areas, to solve the safety problems of drinking water in rural areas, and to promote the harmonious and rapid development of economic and social undertakings in rural areas. Development provision The main purpose of this study is to analyze the water quality of drinking water and the present situation of drinking water in the rural areas, and to analyze the rural life through the investigation and analysis of drinking water quality in the last four years. Factors affecting the safety of drinking water quality, in order to develop the drinking water in rural areas The purpose of this study is as follows: 1. Based on the analysis of the monitoring results of drinking water quality in rural drinking water from 2008 to 2011, the present study has a timely grasp of the change of drinking water quality and the present situation of water supply in urban rural areas; To provide scientific basis for the planning of safe development of domestic drinking water in the village area, to build a new socialist countryside accumulation data and to provide scientific basis; 3. To ensure that the masses of farmers can drink safe and sanitary living drinking water, effectively improve the living quality and health level of the residents in rural areas, and promote the rural areas regional economy and Harmonious development of social undertakings. Materials and Methods According to the 11th Five-Year Plan of the National Rural Drinking Water Safety Project, the rural centralized water supply safety project of 8 counties (cities and districts) has been randomly selected as the monitoring object, which is required to reach 20 tons/ day (Centralized water supply project above 200 people (water supply population). Various monitoring counties (cities and districts) are based on Select monitoring points and keep continuous monitoring relative to fixed conditions. Prior to collecting samples, check the water quality of the monitoring points. The survey shall be conducted in this case, and all records shall be completed. Centralized water supply monitoring points shall be in dry season and abundant water. The water sample for each sampling period includes two water samples from the factory water and the tip water. The factory water is sampled at the water supply pump room (secondary pump room) or sampled at the nearest faucet from the water supply pump room; the tip water is in the water supply pump room (secondary pump room). Tap sampling at home of residents, take direct sampling with water container, and dry season 3-4 months each year. The collection of the samples, the sampling of the samples in the flood season from July to August, and the detection indexes include the organoleptic properties and the general chemical indexes. Toxicology indicators, bacteriological indicators, and disinfection-related indicators. The results of water quality inspection are in accordance with GB5749 To evaluate the hygienic standard of drinking water for drinking water in 2006-2011, a retrospective epidemiological investigation method was used to collect the information about the water quality of drinking water in the rural drinking water from 2008 to 2011. The statistical analysis and the comparison of the data were carried out by SPSS 10.0 software. Adoption The difference of X2 test and P0. 05 was statistically significant. Conclusion 1 The overall effect of drinking water safety project in rural drinking water is remarkable, which basically solves the problems of chronic drinking of bitter water, salt water and high fluorine water in some regions. most of the monitoring indexes are normal, and the drinking water situation of the villagers is greatly improved compared with the past. The disinfection equipment, once the pathogen contaminated water source, is likely to occur the intestinal infectious disease explosion Hair. 32008-2011, the total qualified rate of drinking water in the rural areas is lower. 42008-2011, drinking water fluoride, sulfate and total hardness of drinking water in urban rural areas The qualified rate of drinking water is low, and relevant departments are required to take relevant measures in time to ensure the safety of drinking water in rural areas. In addition to 2009 Year 2008-2011, the qualified rate of qualified rate of drinking water for drinking water in rural areas was higher than that in rainy season. rasterization There was no significant difference in the qualification rate of the indicators, arsenic and nitrate, which indicated that the physical and chemical indexes of drinking water in rural areas were relatively stable. 1. Raise awareness of the safety of drinking water in rural areas and strengthen the construction of drinking water in rural areas we should set up the leadership of the work and grasp the water affairs management system. According to the level of economic and social development and the conditions of water resources, the scientific planning and management system will be carried out. 3. The governments at all levels should play a leading role, increase investment intensity, especially the investment of local financial funds, establish long-acting safeguard mechanism for drinking water project in rural areas, and improve rural drinking. Safety monitoring system for water, periodic or irregular to various types Water quality monitoring shall be carried out in the drinking water system, the water quality status shall be reported, and the farmers shall be guided. people drink safe water, give play to the government's management role. Strengthen the protection of water source, make sure the water quality of drinking water is safe.


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1 李梦映;莫桂Y,




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