[Abstract]:[objective] to understand the level of fat intake and food sources of Shanghai residents, and to explore the influencing factors of fat supply energy ratio, and to provide scientific basis for the formulation of nutrition policy and strategy. [methods] A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to divide the population into central urban area, suburban combined area and remote suburb area according to the proportion of non-agricultural population in street / township. A representative population sample of 1,944 people aged 15 and above was collected in Shanghai. The survey was conducted in May-June 2012. The basic information of the subjects was collected by means of inquiry, and the dietary intake of 24 hours per day and the intake of condiments within 3 days were collected by the method of dietary survey. [results] the average energy intake of Shanghai residents was 87.0 g of fat intake of 2 169.6 kcal, and the proportion of fat energy supply was 36.6%. 4.8% of the residents in Shanghai were deficient in the ratio of fat to energy, 22.0% were reasonable, and 73.2% were surplus. Fat intake came from seasoning oil (43.9%), livestock meat (25.1g) and poultry meat (4.1%). The proportion of fat derived from seasoning oil was the highest in the three regions (P0.05). Multivariate analysis suggested that age and years of education may be the influencing factors of fat energy supply ratio in Shanghai residents (P0.05). [conclusion] the problem of high fat diet exists in all the residents of three kinds of areas in Shanghai. The fat intake of the residents in the city center and the suburbs is inclined to the source of animal food, and the residents in the far suburbs tend to come from the source of condiment oil.
【作者单位】: 上海市疾病预防控制中心健康危害因素监测与控制所;上海市疾病预防控制中心业务管理处;上海市疾病预防控制中心化学品毒性检定所;
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