[Abstract]:For mammals, selenium is an essential trace element, which has irreplaceable effects on maintaining normal physiological function, regulating metabolism and antioxidant damage. The biological effect of selenium is related to its chemical form. Generally speaking, zero valence selenium has no physiological activity, whereas sodium selenite reacts with glutathione and bovine serum albumin is used as dispersant. The colloidal red element nano selenium was prepared, and its biological activity was not lower than that of other forms of selenium, but the toxicity was significantly lower. The finding changes the conventional belief that zero-valent selenium is bioactive. Cancer in the abdominal cavity, stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, and so on. After surgery, patients with these cancers are prone to residual cancer cells remaining in the abdominal cavity. If they are not properly handled, the cancer cells are likely to develop intraperitoneal implantation and metastasis. The formation of ascites or metastatic tumors is difficult to cure because of the wide contact and multiple loci of cancer cells. Selenium, as a necessary trace element, has the effect of cancer prevention. In this study, we evaluated the inhibitory effect of selenium on the proliferation of intraperitoneal cancer cells by intraperitoneal injection. H22 cells with high malignant level were injected into the abdominal cavity of mice and then nano-selenium was injected into the abdominal cavity of mice for experiment. The concentration distribution of selenium nanoparticles in cancer cells and tissues was determined after entering the abdominal cavity. The efficacy and safety of selenium were also evaluated. The results showed that nano selenium could effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the abdominal cavity of mice in a dose-dependent manner. The safety test of mice showed that nano-selenium was safe and non-toxic under the dosage of effective inhibition effect of nano-selenium. The determination of selenium content in mice tissues after intraperitoneal injection of nano-selenium showed that nano-selenium mainly distributed in cancer cells but not in normal tissues and showed at least 10-fold difference in concentration distribution. This concentration distribution can effectively kill cancer cells, inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in the abdominal cavity, and reduce the possibility of toxicity to the body. The mechanism of the toxicity induced by nano-selenium is related to the production of reactive oxygen species mediated by selenium. Reactive oxygen species affect the normal function of glutathione system and thioredoxin system and promote apoptosis. Our results show that intraperitoneal injection is safe and effective in preventing the proliferation of cancer cells in high risk groups.
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