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发布时间:2019-04-01 20:27
[Abstract]:The epidemiological study of the aim of the study indicated that the prevalence of respiratory diseases, the incidence of symptoms and the decrease of the function of the lung were related to the atmospheric pollutants. In this study, under the background of the heavy air pollution in Jinan (Licheng District), the continuous monitoring of the air pollutants and the health status of the primary school students is carried out, and the disease rate of the primary school students and the health effects of the lung function under the condition of high concentration of air pollution are evaluated. The aim of this paper is to explore the changing trend and characteristics of the health impact of primary school students in the condition of severe air pollution, to lay the foundation for the future research, and to put forward some measures and suggestions based on the results of the research. To provide the basic basis for the health intervention and health management of the low-age group (children) under the influence of local air pollution, to guide the students and the parents to protect and protect the individual, and to reduce the health loss. According to the research method, the relatively heavy urban area of Jinan (heavy industry and chemical enterprise area) is selected as the implementation area of this study, and a primary school in the range of 2 km of the air quality environmental protection monitoring station point _ Baosheng cable monitoring point in the Licheng District is selected as the study site. Continuity monitoring of all school students in the three to fifth grades of the school. The survey was voluntary, and the investigation object signed the informed consent form, which was finally included in the total of 614 investigators. In this study, the correlation between the weekly disease, the occurrence of symptoms and air pollution was investigated by using the repetitive measurement and design, and the correlation between the pulmonary function and the air pollution of the primary school students was assessed by the current research and design. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect the health status of the students in the class from the beginning of Saturday to Friday in the afternoon of each Friday afternoon, and the questionnaire was completed by the student parents and the students themselves. The time of the survey was from November 15 to December 26,2014 for a total of 6 weeks. At the beginning and end of the questionnaire, a primary school student's lung function test was carried out. The test subjects were willing to participate in the questionnaire. The stratified cluster random sampling method was adopted to carry out the lung function test from the third grade, the fourth grade and the fifth grade respectively. A total of 149 primary school pupils were detected. The lung function test indicators included forced vital capacity (FVC),1 second forced expiratory volume (FEV1), peak expiratory flow rate (PEF), forced expiratory flow at 25% FVC (V25/ PEF75), and forced expiratory flow at 75% FVC (V75/ PEF25). At the same time, collect fine particulate matter (PM _ 2.5), fine particulate matter (PM _ 10), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO _ 2), The daily daily concentration data of sulfur dioxide (SO _ 2) and ozone (O _ 3) and the daily average daily temperature and relative humidity data of Jinan city. The basic characteristics of the study object and the characteristics of the time distribution of air pollutants during the study were analyzed in a descriptive way. The prevalence of the disease and the rate of occurrence of the symptoms were calculated during the continuous measurement of the primary school pupils, and the prevalence of the disease and the rate of the occurrence of the symptoms were compared. analyzing the correlation between the occurrence rate of the weekly disease and the occurrence rate of the symptom and the concentration of the air pollutants on each Saturday, and evaluating the risk of the disease and the symptom when the concentration of the air pollutants is increased; and comparing the difference of the indexes of the lung function under the different air pollution exposure concentration in the primary school for two times, At the same time, the effects of short-term lung function changes in different air pollution exposures were further analyzed by gender and age stratification. Results The results of continuous monitoring show that the prevalence of acute nasopharyngitis (common cold), trachitis/ tonsillitis is the highest in the respiratory system, and the symptoms of the throat and the nasal cavity are the highest in the monitoring symptoms, and the cough and the runny nose are the main symptoms. The increase of the concentration of SO _ 2 can raise the risk of general diseases, respiratory diseases and common cold. In addition, PM _ 10, SO _ 2 and NO _ 2 can increase the risk of allergic rhinitis. The increase of PM _ 10, SO _ 2 and NO _ 2 can cause total symptoms and throat part (cough, The incidence of the symptoms such as cough and phlegm and the nasal part (nose, nose, sneezing) increased, and the increase of the concentration of SO _ 2 can also cause the incidence of the symptoms of the eyes (the eyes, the red and the itchy) to increase. The changes of CO and 03 concentration had no significant effect on the prevalence of disease and the incidence of symptoms in primary school students. The results of lung function test showed that the decrease of the concentration of PM _ 2.5 and NO _ 2 could cause a significant increase in the function of FVC and FEV1 in primary school students. Conclusion The increase of the concentration of PM _ 10, SO _ 2 and NO _ 2 can lead to a significant increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases and symptoms of primary school students in Licheng District of Jinan, and the effect of SO _ 2 on the prevalence of disease and the incidence of symptoms is the most intense. It is concluded that primary school students in Licheng District may be more sensitive to PM _ 2.5, NO _ 2, especially SO _ 2, in the surrounding air. In addition, the increase of the air pollutant concentration can also lead to a significant decrease of the pulmonary function related index of primary school students in Licheng District of Jinan. After the sex stratification, the decrease of the concentration of PM _ 2.5 and NO _ 2 will cause a significant increase in the function index of FVC and FEV1 of primary school students; after the grade is layered, A decrease in the concentration of PM2.5 and NO2 was found to cause a significant increase in FVC, FEV1, and V75 lung function in the third grade, whereas for students in the fourth and fifth grades, only two pulmonary function indicators of FVC and V25 were found to be significantly elevated. It is concluded that the effect of air pollutant on the health of low age group is more obvious.


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