[Abstract]:In this paper, indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) for the detection of tetracycline residues in animal-derived foods was systematically studied. Artificial immunogen was prepared by coupling tetracycline with keyhole hemocyanin by formaldehyde method. Anti-tetracycline polyclonal antibodies were obtained by immunizing New Zealand white rabbits and purified by Protein-A-Sepharose-4B affinity chromatography. An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) was established by linking tetracycline with ovalbumin by formaldehyde method. The factors influencing the experiment, such as coating quantity, antibody dilution, antibody diluent, etc., were optimized and studied. The best stability and sensitivity of the standard curve were obtained when the coating volume was 0.05 渭 gg/, the dilution of antibody was 1 脳 10 000, the diluent of antibody was 0.1% BSA / PBS, and the blocking solution was 0.5% milk powder / PBS. the results showed that the best stability and sensitivity of the standard curve were obtained when the coating volume was 0.05 渭 mol / min, the dilution of antibody was 1? The sensitivity (IC50) and the minimum detection limit (IC15) of the method were 0.33 卤0.09 渭 g / L and 0.01 卤0.0041 渭 g / L, respectively. The cross-reaction rates with oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol were 0.39% and 4.42%, respectively. There was no cross-reaction with other commonly used veterinary drugs such as penicillin, streptomycin and chloramphenicol. Choose milk, honey, pork, beef, chicken, squid, big-eyed snapper, halibut, shrimp as samples to add and recycle experiment, milk added recovery rate is 85.88% and 109.17%. The recoveries of honey, pork, beef and chicken were 94.52% and 107.59%, 84.19%, 98.96%, 75.91% and 105.58%, 84.40% and 109.64%, respectively. The recovery of squid and bream was 73.08% / 115.44%, 67.45% / 104.76%, 74.55% / 112.46% and 82.84% / 111.85%, respectively. The detection limit of this method in milk and squid was 5 渭 g / kg, honey, pork, beef, chicken, snapper, halibut and shrimp. The detection limit was 10 渭 g / kg, intraplate variation and interplate variation less than 20%. The test results of tetracycline indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) were verified with foreign kits. The results of the two methods were consistent with each other. The linear regression equation was y = 0.8542 x 2.2848, and the linear correlation coefficient (R _ (2) was R _ (2) = 0.9954. It shows that the method established in this study has good accuracy and precision. The indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for tetracycline detection developed in this study has high sensitivity, specificity, high accuracy and simple pretreatment. It is suitable for the rapid detection of tetracycline residues in animal-derived foods.
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