[Abstract]:Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widely used environmental endocrine disruptor for plastic products. BPA can enter the human body via food and beverage, and can also be harmful to health by dialysis to the surrounding ecological environment. A large number of studies have found that BPA can affect the synthesis and metabolism of hormones, the expression of receptors, and the activity of genes, however, the previous studies have been focused on their estrogenic activity. The pre-laboratory study found that both perinatal, adolescent and adult-year BPA exposure had sex-dependent impairment of the spatial learning and memory of male mice and passive avoidance of memory. As with the important role of estrogen on female animals, androgens play an important role in the cognitive function of the male and the formation of synapses. Recent studies have found that BPA can antagonize androgen receptor (AR)-mediated transcriptional activity. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment is to explore whether the exposure of BPA to sex-specific damage to male mice is related to the effect of interfering with androgen on learning and memory of male rats. The synaptic plasticity is closely related to the spatial learning and memory behavior. Sex hormones can affect cognitive behavior by affecting the synaptic remodeling of the central nervous system in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. It was found that testicular removal resulted in a decrease in synaptic density in the hippocampus of male mice, and a significant increase in synaptic density following the supplementation of testosterone (TP) or dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The synaptic interface is a very sensitive structure to chemical substances, synaptic cleft, synaptic active band length, postsynaptic density (PSD) and synaptic interface curvature can change due to external stimuli. A large number of scaffolding proteins and some regulatory proteins associated with synaptic transmission are distributed on the PSD, many of which are associated with the receptor channel on the back membrane, the changes in the level of expression of these proteins, and the interaction with each other, can affect the activity and synaptic plasticity of the synapse, And also results in a change in the PSD thickness. The effects of long-term BPA exposure on learning and memory behavior of adult male rats were studied by establishing an adult castrated male mouse model, exposing the male mice with complete, castrated and castrated androgen to BPA, respectively, and studying the effects of long-term BPA exposure on learning and memory behavior of adult male rats. The changes of the synaptic density and the synaptic interface structure of the neurons in the hippocampal CA1 region of the male rats were observed by electron microscopy, and the changes of the expression of the synapsin I and PSD-95, the excitatory amino acid NMDA receptor and the signaling pathway protein ERK1/2, p38 and the phosphorylation of the signal pathway proteins were detected by Western blot. To study the possible mechanism of BPA exposure to the learning and memory behavior and synaptic plasticity of male rats. The method of the study was to clean the ICR male mice at 8 weeks of age and to purchase the experimental animal center of Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences. The environment of the feeding is natural light and dark 12h, and the temperature of the feeding room is controlled at 23-2 & deg; C and 50-60% of the humidity control, and the water and the food can be freely fed. After a week of acclimation, a castrated model was established by intraperitoneal injection of chloral (400 mg/ kg). After 2 weeks of post-operation, the neck and back were injected subcutaneously each day: Testosterone Propionate (TP, 0.5 mg/ kg/ day), BPA (0.4,4 mg/ kg/ day), TP + BPA (0.4 or 4 mg/ kg/ day), and Golden Dragon Fish Oil (50.mu. L/ day) for a period of 45 days. Three days after the end of the administration,14 animals were tested for behavioral tests,6 of which were used for hippocampal synapse morphometry,4 for the determination of related proteins and 8 for the determination of brain and serum androgen levels. All the data of the experiment were misdisplayed by means of the mean value, and the statistical analysis was made with the SPSS 17.0 statistical software. The results of 3-factor analysis of variance and the fifth day of the water maze were used in the water maze. The results of the five-day analysis of the water maze and the results of the morphological measurement of the water maze were the two-factor analysis of variance, the level of androgens and the results of Western blot. Study results:1. Compared with the sham-operated control group, gonad removal significantly decreased the levels of androgen in serum and brain (p0.001; p0.001), and the levels of serum and brain androgen increased after supplementation of TP (p0.001; p0.001). The exposure of BPA (0.4,4 mg/ kg/ day) did not affect the levels of androgen in the serum and brain of the gonads, but significantly reduced the levels of androgen in the sham-operated group (p0.05; p0.01) and the brain (p0.05; p0.01), and the androgen levels in the brain (p0.05) and the brain (p0.05; p0.01). The results of the 4-day training of the water maze showed that, compared with the sham-operated control group, the latency of the platform was significantly prolonged on the 4th day after the gonad removal (p0.05), and the latency of the platform was shortened after the addition of TP (p0.05), indicating that the androgen deficiency obviously damaged the learning ability of the space. The exposure of BPA did not prolong the incubation period of the castrated mice (p0.05), but significantly prolonged the latency of the platform in the sham operation group (4 mg/ kg/ day, p0.01) and the TP supplementation group (0.4 mg/ kg/ day, p0.05). The results of the fifth day of the water maze showed that BPA exposure reduced the percentage of time that the sham-operated mice (0.4 mg/ kg/ day, p0.05) and TP-supplemented mice (p0.001; p0.01) remained in the target quadrant, but did not affect the percentage of time that the testicle removed the target quadrant of the mouse. These results show that the ability of BPA to damage the space memory of adult mice can inhibit the recovery of the spatial memory damage induced by androgen on the gonad removal. The results of synaptic density showed that the synaptic density (p0.001) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus of the adult male rats was significantly reduced, and the postsynaptic density was significantly increased after the addition of TP (p0.001). BPA (0.4,4 mg/ kg/ day) exposure reduced the synaptic density in the hippocampal CA1 region of the sham-operated group (p0.001, p0.001), but had no effect on the gonad removal group. The exposure of BPA (0.4,4 mg/ kg/ day) inhibited the increase in synaptic density induced by TP (p0.01, p0.001). Compared with the sham operation control group, gonad removal significantly shortened the length of the active band (p0.01), decreased the PSD thickness (p0.001), increased the synaptic cleft width (p0.001), but the change was reversed by the BPA after the addition of TP (p0.05, p0.05, p0.001). The effect of BPA exposure on the synaptic structure of the sham-operated group was similar to that of the TP-supplemented group. These results suggest that BPA exposure can inhibit the formation and structural modification of androgen-induced hippocampal synapses. Further Western blot analysis showed that the expression of p0.05, PSD-95 (p0.01), NR2B (p0.05) in the hippocampus of the sham-operated mice was significantly reduced, especially at the dose of 4 mg/ kg/ day. In addition, the expression of PSD-95 (p0.05) and NR2B (p0.01) was significantly reduced, and the expression of these proteins was up-regulated after the supplementation of TP (p0.05, p0.05). The exposure of BPA inhibited the up-regulation of synapsin I (p0.01), PSD-95 (p0.05), NR2B (p0.05). Further analysis found that the exposure of gonad and BPA did not affect the expression of p38 and ERK1/2, but the exposure of 4 mg/ kg/ day to BPA significantly reduced the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2) (p0.05) and increased the phosphorylation of p-p38 (p-p38) (p0.001). BPA exposure inhibited TP-induced p-ERK1/2 up-regulation (p0.01) and p-p38 down-regulation (p0.01). These results suggest that the exposure of BPA inhibits the expression of the androgen-induced mutant and NR2B, inhibits the MAPK/ ERKs and promotes the activity of the MAPK/ p38 signaling pathway. Conclusion: Long-term exposure to BPA sex-specific damage to the learning and memory function of male animals may be related to the anti-androgenic effect of BPA. This effect may reduce the level of the synaptoprotein and the NMDA receptor by reducing the level of androgen in the brain and interfering with the activity of the androgen on the ERKs and p38 signaling pathways, negatively altering the synaptic plasticity of the hippocampal neurons, and eventually damaging the learning and memory function.
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