发布时间:2021-01-08 19:36
流行病学资料显示,肥胖及2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)等代谢性疾病已成为全球公共健康问题,这些代谢性疾病重要的病理基础之一是胰岛素抵抗(insulin resistance,IR),而骨骼肌IR是全身IR的重要病因之一。近年我国饮食习惯受到西方文化的影响,高脂高热量食物消耗量明显增加。T2DM及肥胖与不良的饮食和作息习惯,尤其是脂肪的大量摄入有关,但其具体机制尚不十分清楚。因此,高脂饮食导致的IR或脂质沉积是较好的研究其机制和寻求治疗方法的模型。我们课题组的前期研究发现高脂能够诱导大鼠及小鼠的IR模型,并伴有骨骼肌脂质沉积。因此,本研究选取了高脂诱导的IR模型作为实验模型。白藜芦醇(resveratrol,Rsv)是一种多酚类植物物质,被称为天然的“热量限制类似物”。近些年Rsv因其抗炎、抗氧化、改善胰岛素敏感性及抗肿瘤等多种功效日益受到人们的关注,但具体机制存在争议,仍有待深入研究。共济失调毛细血管扩张症突变(ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated,ATM)基因是共济失调毛细血管扩张症(ataxia-telangiecta...
【文章页数】:115 页
研 究 论 文33图7 透射电镜观察白藜芦醇干预8 周对高脂喂养C57BL6/J小鼠骨骼肌超微结构的影响(15kx)Fig.7 Observation by electron microscope of ultrastructure of skeletal musclein HFD C57BL6/J mice after 8-week Rsv intervention(15kx)The three groups are as follows, (A) ND group: normal food diet, (B) HFDgroup: high fat diet, (C) HFD+Rsv group: high fat diet with Rsv 100mg/kg/d,ig. Compared with (B) HFD group, Rsv decreased fat accumulation andameliorated mitochondrial swelling in skeletal muscle as measured by electronmicroscope with magnification 15k. Triangles indicate mitochondria andarrows indicate lipid droplets.A15kxB15k
A 干预对分化后肌细胞胞质内脂滴intervention on lipid droplets in cytoplmuscle cellswas used to observe the cytoplasmicmagnification of photomicrographs wr differentiation, cells were cultured inroup. After differentiation, cells were PA 0.2mmol/L for 24 hours. Lipid dere stained blue.
【文章页数】:115 页
研 究 论 文33图7 透射电镜观察白藜芦醇干预8 周对高脂喂养C57BL6/J小鼠骨骼肌超微结构的影响(15kx)Fig.7 Observation by electron microscope of ultrastructure of skeletal musclein HFD C57BL6/J mice after 8-week Rsv intervention(15kx)The three groups are as follows, (A) ND group: normal food diet, (B) HFDgroup: high fat diet, (C) HFD+Rsv group: high fat diet with Rsv 100mg/kg/d,ig. Compared with (B) HFD group, Rsv decreased fat accumulation andameliorated mitochondrial swelling in skeletal muscle as measured by electronmicroscope with magnification 15k. Triangles indicate mitochondria andarrows indicate lipid droplets.A15kxB15k
A 干预对分化后肌细胞胞质内脂滴intervention on lipid droplets in cytoplmuscle cellswas used to observe the cytoplasmicmagnification of photomicrographs wr differentiation, cells were cultured inroup. After differentiation, cells were PA 0.2mmol/L for 24 hours. Lipid dere stained blue.