[Abstract]:Over the years, there has been controversy over whether traditional Chinese and western medicine can be combined. In the past 50 to 60 years, because Chinese medicine entered the hospital and became one of the important departments as well as the different subjects of western medicine, a large number of western medicine who had done well studied Chinese medicine, so they got the opportunity to know each other, communicate and even combine with each other. In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, the government has proposed the development of both traditional Chinese and western medicine, the space for integration has expanded, the academic environment has become freer, and the ideas have become more specific. World medicine attaches renewed importance to natural and traditional medicine. In the field of clinical oncology, a consensus has been formed through practice: while using modern medicine to kill or suppress tumors to the maximum extent, it can obviously improve the clinical efficacy by regulating and rectifying the tumor through traditional Chinese medicine. And by the majority of doctors and patients accepted and welcomed. It was found that the mechanism of arsenic trioxide intravenously in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL),) was to regulate the apoptosis induced by PML-RARa protein. It has become a common understanding among clinicians that Fuzheng traditional Chinese medicine can promote the cellular immune function of patients: Rg3, one of the ingredients of ginseng, is used as a neovascularization inhibitor, and oridox, Kanglaite, which is being studied. Elemene and so on are expected to achieve further results. Chinese medicine plays a unique role in the management of chronic diseases. Regulation and control is an important part of medicine in the 21 st century. Target therapy itself is the regulation of information transduction at the molecular level. Therefore, in theory, Chinese scholars should understand more easily the principles of "same disease and different treatment", which is similar to our current individualized treatment. At present, we should seize the opportunity to make new contributions to world medicine through the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine. It is an important bridge to use modern medical methods to carry out high level clinical trials and clarify many viewpoints of Chinese medicine.
【作者单位】: 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院;
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