本文关键词:《周易》生生之美思想研究 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:"Zhouyi" is enshrined in the common Confucianism classics, Confucian revered as "the six classics", Taoism serve as the "three" one ", has an extremely important position in the culture of china. The book of changes has a wide and profound influence on many fields such as ideology, scholarship, culture and art in China, especially for the emergence and development of Chinese culture and art. The "book of changes" is extremely significant for "promoting students", which "students", "students" energetic, supple, new, glow for the United States, issued a heartfelt tribute to the students full of vigour, life and growth in nature ", is a kind of life aesthetics that is a broad vision of life and the realm of the grand. The "book of changes" to "gas" and "concept", "image", "number", "culture" as the basic category, with "still is" and "expensive" heavy righteousness ", and" as the aesthetic principle, the specific performance in life, production work, customs and rituals of other social aspects. Zhouyi expresses the positive meaning and extraordinary value of the idea of life beauty through the description of the ancient life of the ancient ancestors in the aesthetic scenes of life and life. The aesthetic conception of the beauty of birth has a profound influence on the future generations.
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2 丁林;阮刻本《周易正沸,