本文关键词:李泽厚“历史本体”研究 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:"人的实践和生活的总体进程即是'历史',根本、最后实在即是'本体','历史本体'即是指人的实践和生活的总体进程是根本、最后实在。"李泽厚的历史本体论着重关注的是现实的、个人的安身立命问题,所以李泽厚的哲学思想是在现实个人的视域下呈现的。从本体论角度来看,"历史本体"意味着本体在人的实践和生活的总体进程中的范导和"逐渐"呈现;而从认识论的角度来看,"历史本体"意味着人的实践和生活的"逐渐"建构和完善。从个人"超越此有限的个体人生"的角度来讲,李泽厚所说的本体具有"超越性",而从历史的、人类的角度来说,李泽厚所说的本体并没有超出人类经验。李泽厚的"本体"具有"二重一体性",是动与静的统一,相对性与绝对性的统一,是经验与超越(或称先验)的统一。同理,"历史本体"的特征是"二重一体性"。这本体具有"一个世界"的特征,没有像西方传统那样划分"本体"与"现象" "两个世界"。李泽厚认为,这是中国传统文化与哲学的特征。对比现代新儒家的"上下"纵贯型的思想体系,李泽厚的思想可以认为是"前后"纵贯型的,"历史建理性,经验变先验,心理成本体",也并不是一个平面。这个"本体"需要人的实践活动去建构,并不是那种"理念世界"般"预定好"的本体。历史本体论提供了一种新的理论范式的可能性。"度本体"是"历史本体"的"实现方式","情本体"是"历史本体"的"呈现方式"。而"度本体"和"情本体"是一致的,它们都是"历史本体"的展开形式。李泽厚在阐述"度本体"时,有将其作为"工夫论"阐述的意味,而在论述"情本体"时,有将其作为"境界论"论述的意味。虽然"历史本体"即本体即工夫即境界。李泽厚哲学思想一贯性的内在要求和李泽厚本人建构体系的意图,使得"历史本体"的出现和阐发越来越成为必然,成了统摄李泽厚整个哲学思想体系的一个概念。同时,"历史本体"也因其本身揭示了李泽厚哲思的本质特色,所以也足以担当此任。重要的是,"历史本体"为现实的个人不陷入绝对主义的同时对抗虚无主义提供了一个思路,这一点是李泽厚哲学思想的核心关切之所在。这个思路有待完善,但其可能性是值得肯定的。历史本体论的核心之义就是从本能的感性到理性再到融化了理性的感性的过程,就是经过历史,个人的生活意义越来越表现出来的过程,因此历史处于本体的地位。
[Abstract]:"The overall process of human practice and life is" history ". The ultimate and real reality is" ontology "." historical ontology "means the whole process of human practice and life is the ultimate and final reality. "Li Zehou's historical ontology focuses on the practical problems is the foundation and personal, so Li Zehou's philosophy is the reality of the individual from the perspective of the present. From the ontological point of view, "historical ontology" means the guidance and gradual presentation of ontology in the overall process of human practice and life, and from the perspective of epistemology, "historical ontology" means the gradual construction and perfection of human practice and life. From the perspective of personal "beyond this limited individual life", Li Zehou's ontology has "transcendence", and from the historical and human perspective, Li Zehou's ontology does not exceed human experience. Li Zehou's "noumenon" has a "dual unity", which is the unity of movement and silence, the unity of relativity and absolutism, and the unity of experience and transcendence. In the same way, the character of "the noumenon of history" is the "dual one". This noumenon has the characteristics of "one world", and does not divide "noumenon" and "phenomenon" "two worlds" like the Western tradition. Li Zehou believes that this is the characteristic of Chinese traditional culture and philosophy. Compared with the modern and new Confucianism's "upper and lower" longitudinal ideological system, Li Zehou's thought can be regarded as "longitudinal" and "longitudinal". This "noumenon" needs human practice to construct, not the "ideal world" like "predefined" noumenon. Historical ontology provides the possibility of a new theoretical paradigm. "Degree noumenon" is the "way of realizing the noumenon of history", and "the noumenon" is the "way of presentation" of the "historical noumenon". The "degree noumenon" and the "emotion noumenon" are consistent, and they are all the unfolding forms of the "historical noumenon". When Li Zehou expounded "degree noumenon", he had the meaning of expounding it as "the theory of work", while in discussing the "ontology", he had the meaning of discussing it as a "Realm Theory". Although "the noumenon of history" is the noumenon, that is the realm. The intention of Li Zehou philosophy consistent inherent requirements and the construction of a system of Li Zehou himself, the "historical ontology" and analysis has become more and more inevitable, a concept of unifying the whole philosophy system of Li Zehou. At the same time, because of its historical ontology itself reveals the essential features of Li Zehou's philosophy, so it is enough to do this. The important thing is that "historical noumenon" provides a train of thought for the real individual who does not fall into absolutism while fighting against nihilism. This is the core concern of Li Zehou's philosophy. This idea remains to be perfected, but the possibility is worthy of certainty. The core meaning of historical ontology is from instinctive sense to reason, and then to the process of rational sensibility, that is, through history, the meaning of personal life is showing more and more. Therefore, history is in the status of noumenon.
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4 许阳;性情中人李泽厚[N];中国包装报;2002年
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