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发布时间:2018-01-03 09:34

  本文关键词:马克思主义哲学视域下中国现代化的优势和难题研究 出处:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 马克思主义哲学 中国现代化 资本逻辑 工具理性

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the establishment of socialist market economic system, Chinese socialist modernization has entered a new historical period. Although modernization has made great achievements, but there still exist some urgent problems of troublesome waiting for us from the ideological and theoretical explanation. How to improve and perfect the socialist market economy, further firmly the China go the road of socialism, realize Chinese socialist modernization? China socialism, socialist market economy is fundamentally the internal "capital logic", namely the latter (exogenous) to the modernization of socialist countries, capital controls, the negative effect to resolve the problem in the process of capital operation. Then, using the how to better manage and coordinate the relationship between capital market and socialism, master "Capital logic" and so on, has become a core problem in the process of modernization. Chinese only better use and control capital, to improve the socialist market economy, in order to truly build a Chinese socialism, achieve the great rejuvenation of the nation "Chinese dream". For the academic study of the modernization mainly for a long time in history, sociology, a political science perspective, the research perspective although fruitful, but did not reveal many problems in China's modernization process, the crux of the problem. The reason for this is not true of Marx's philosophy from the perspective of modern Chinese in-depth study. This thesis is composed of introduction and five parts, the introduction part elaborated this paper introduced the basis and significance of the research, the domestic and foreign related research, research methods and innovations. The first part from the circles of modernization The four generation of understanding summed up the connotation, that modernization is from traditional agricultural society to modern industry and commerce into the process, is the rapid development of productivity and science and technology, the system structure, the way of thinking of human beings, the all-round reform process values and way of life. The modernization is divided into first (endogenous and post (Modern) exogenous) modernization. Marx's philosophy is the understanding of modern and open capital globalization together. The second part Chinese reproduces the exploring process of modernization, westernization movement, the reform movement of 1898 and the revolution of 1911, Chinese society passed through from the old democratic revolution to the new democratic revolution and entered the revolution and construction the third part pointed out. The three advantage Chinese modernization have the institutional advantages of the socialist system, namely, natural resources and human resources. The source, the advantage that the post modernization. The fourth part describes four problems existing Chinese modernization, namely the expansion of instrumental rationality, meaning the value of the loss, technology prevails, environmental and ecological imbalance, the logic of capital and socialist conflict, entanglement of modernity problems. The fifth part of the Chinese modernization four problems, put forward China way to realize modernization, that is to overcome the negative effects of instrumental rationality, attention to cultural homeland construction, to overcome the negative influence of scientism, resolve the environmental and ecological crisis, grasp the "capital logic", make the capital market to better serve socialism, reflection of "Modernity", complete the China modernization "three level two jump".



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