本文关键词:论熊十力“大同”思想及其现代意义 出处:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In Chinese, datong thought, has a long history. Li Yun - > Datong have better description about "Datong". In China history, description of the thought of "Datong", notably Confucius, Kang Youwei Datong said. It should be said that the "Datong" is a rich connotation, concept change the development of the era and has very strong. Because the thinkers in different times, the thought of "Datong" are not the same. Mr. Xiong Shili is one of the important representatives of modern new Confucianism, on the basis of predecessors datong thought, put forward and give new connotation of "Datong", this mark its theory system by ontology to science of statecraft. Xiong respected six, but also to the national common mission. It can be said that his thought of "Datong" is a microcosm of his philosophical thinking and sublimation. Facing the changing world, bear ten force according to the self On the road has six essence, understanding and interpretation of Confucianism from the world of Datong, show the height of the theory "group after administration". His Datong said, not only covers the Confucian benevolence, etiquette, in public, private, Houde, self-cultivation, harmony and symbiosis concept, highlighting the "world", "the whole world as one community" the idea, and with an open mind to actively absorb the western culture of useful things, for me. The great practice of socialism with China characteristics, we will further reflect the contemporary value of Xiong datong thought. Based on the above analysis, we selected Xiong's thought of "Datong" as the research object, on the one hand, is conducive to the theme of our profound understand and grasp the Xiong datong thought, so as to promote the in-depth study of the philosophy; on the other hand, in today's society of national governance issues, from the thought of "Datong" learning value The theoretical wisdom and practice that should be used for reference.
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