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发布时间:2018-01-09 12:17

  本文关键词:德性生命的实践与价值世界的建构——论王阳明良知思想的四重结构 出处:《天府新论》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 王阳明 良知本体 致良知 良知教 良知说 四重结构

[Abstract]:Wang Yangming's process of mind can be divided into two stages: first, taking Longchang Good as the time coordinate, the early stage is mainly from the method to the ontology, how to preach the Tao and realize the Tao; In the later period, the method was drawn out from the ontology to help others to preach and understand the Tao. "conscience theory" is the summary of his thoughts in his later years, that is, the body is used, that is, the body is used, and the ontology and the work form one piece. There are about four levels: (1) "conscience" (conscience Noumenon); (2) "to conscience" (conscience practice); (3) "conscience education" (conscience education); (4) the theory of conscience (the theory of conscience). The four aspects are linked up and down, inside and outside one another, forming an overall structure of a comprehensive system, that is, in Yangming's ideological system. "conscience" is not only the indispensable moral spring of social practice, but also the cosmic ontology in the sense of the popularity of the natural way, and the deepest generation of all values. The most fundamental source. "to conscience" is the opening and realization of the field of moral practice. On the other hand, it should be used according to the body, expand the use of the conscience Noumenon, so that all things in the world show value and significance. Therefore, the knowledge of conscience is transformed into a journey of conscience. As for the "conscience religion", it is obviously the development and implementation of moral saving activities on earth, and the concrete guidance of the practical activities of life of "learning to the top". The fundamental principle should be the unity of the ontology and the work, the unity of the form and the form, so as to return to the inherent reality of the existence of life. Of course, the social practice and the true presence of the value of human beings need the summary and sublimation of the theoretical form. Therefore, the theory of conscience should not only emphasize the ontological significance of conscience so as to ensure the inexhaustible root of human moral practice, but also attach importance to the practical value of conscience. In order to prevent the distinction between metaphysical Noumenon and human social practical activities, that is to say, whether ontology and time theory, mind theory and practice theory, we must go up and down, inside and outside together to open up, and at the same time bring into good faith, heart, knowledge. A series of time systems, such as cases and objects, form a theoretical system that is practical and useful, and is integrated into a vast practical field which is sufficient to settle the spiritual life of a human being.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学中国文化书院;
【基金】:国家社科重大委托项目“阳明文化与现代国家治理研究”(编号:14@ZH054) 国家社科基金重点项目“阳明学诠释史研究”(编号:17AZX006)阶段性成果
【正文快照】: 一、引言:本体与方法的一致与贯通 王阳明的心路发展历程,以龙场悟道为历史性的象征标志,可以将其分为前后两个不同的分期阶 段。所谓两个不同的分期阶段,根据《年谱》的记载和钱德洪、王畿等人的说法,亦可用前三变和后三变来加以概括。前三变———驰骋于辞章,出入于释、老


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