发布时间:2018-01-10 19:03
本文关键词:都市意象下本雅明对“拜物教”的指认与批判 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本雅明之所以是一位马克思主义者,在很大程度上是缘于他对马克思“拜物教”理论的关注、继承与发展。尽管本雅明没有写过一本关于“拜物教”论题的专著,但他的很多著作都贯穿着他对“拜物教”的指认与批判,例如《巴黎,十九世纪的首都》、《单向街》、《机械复制时代的艺术作品》、《德国悲剧的起源》、等等。通过这些作品,本雅明表达了这样一种观点:在当今时代,“拜物教”以一种文化的形式渗透在人们社会实践活动的方方面面,以一种温和但却彻底的方式扭曲人们的心灵。人们的全部心身都堕入到了商品的世界,恋物欲、念物情怀左右着人们的一切活动。 在新的形式下,哲学家又该怎样揭露与批判带有文化形式的“拜物教”,从而将人们从“拜物教”中解脱出来呢?关于这个问题,本雅明认为这应该回溯到资本主义发展所留下的“废墟”中去寻找答案,从现实生活中不相连贯的碎片中去寻找答案。以废墟和碎片为表现形式的历史现象不是连续的、进步的,而是断裂的、分散的和停滞的,所以哲学也不应该是体系化的、逻辑化的,而是碎片的、体验的,是形成对显存秩序的颠倒。基于这种观点,本雅明提议研究分析当下的“拜物教”性质,应该采用一种特殊的辩证法,即他所说的意象辩证法。 通过意象辩证法达到对现实世界的指认与批判不是哲学的终极目的,哲学的终极目的,本雅明认为是通过意象的辩证法对世俗进行揭示,从而从其中得到启迪。在世俗的现实中,人性被物质的内容所遮蔽,通过对现实世界的关照,可以从中获得一种启示:即“摧毁物质的内容,挖掘真理的内容”,从而达到一种对人性的救赎,使人们回归到原真的本性中去。
[Abstract]:Benjamin is a Marxist, in large part because of his attention to Marx's "fetishism" theory. Inheritance and development. Although Benjamin has not written a monograph on the topic of fetishism, many of his works run through his identification and criticism of fetishism, such as Paris, the Capital of 19th century. "One-way Street", "works of Art in the Age of Mechanical replication", "the Origin of the German tragedy", and so on. Through these works, Benjamin expresses this view: in the present age. Fetishism permeates all aspects of people's social practice in the form of a culture, distorts people's hearts in a gentle but thorough way, and all of them fall into the world of commodities. Love for material, mind affect all people's activities. In the new form, how can philosophers expose and criticize fetishism with cultural form so as to extricate people from fetishism? On this question, Benjamin argues that it should go back to the "ruins" of capitalist development to find out. Look for answers from disconnected fragments in real life. Historical phenomena in the form of ruins and fragments are not continuous, progressive, but fractured, scattered, and stagnant. Therefore, philosophy should not be systematized, logical, but fragmented, experiential, is to form the reverse of the order of memory. Based on this view, Benjamin proposed to study and analyze the current nature of "fetishism". We should adopt a special dialectics, that is, image dialectics. The identification and criticism of the real world through image dialectics is not the ultimate aim of philosophy, but the ultimate aim of philosophy. Benjamin believes that it is through the dialectics of imagery to reveal the secular world. In the secular reality, human nature is obscured by the content of the material, through the care of the real world, we can get a revelation: "destroy the content of the material." Excavate the content of truth, thus achieve a kind of salvation to human nature, so that people return to their true nature.
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