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发布时间:2018-04-24 16:49

  本文选题:理性精神 + 唯物辩证法 ; 参考:《中国文化研究》2017年02期

[Abstract]:As a philosopher with wide influence in contemporary China, he has always refused to admit his "philosopher" status, which is a difficult problem left by Tang Yijie. We need to seriously face this difficult problem and realize that the basic essence of Mr. Tang's thought is the rational spirit of justice, while the systematic acceptance of materialist dialectics determines the direction of his thinking. Mr. Tang has tried to integrate traditional and modern ideas into a comprehensive system, and has been concerned with the construction of systematized philosophy. But he did not adopt a systematic philosophy of writing: this was partly because he had concerns about the disadvantages of systematized writing. On the other hand, in the last few years, Mr. Tang began to think deeply about how to give birth to universal human values from traditional Chinese philosophy, which is closely related to his exploration of the creation of true Chinese hermeneutics. In a word, Mr. Tang's thought was interpreted, systematized and systematic, though it was not completed, it pointed out a clear direction for later thinkers.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;


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