本文选题:信任 + 信任值得性 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Although trust is closely related to our real society, life and the environment of existence and is universal in our daily life, it is surprising that, until recently, the topic of trust has begun to gain a certain degree of concern in philosophy. Traditionally, the knowledge theory has been banned from the inherent risk and blindness of trust. By trusting others to acquire true knowledge, this article emphasizes that trust plays a key and unneglecting role in acquiring knowledge, including scientific knowledge and non scientific knowledge that begins with testimony. This article focuses on the way of obtaining knowledge through trust and the role of trust in the process of acquiring knowledge. And with testimony as the beginning, it shows the relationship between trust, testimony and knowledge, and then expounds the status and role of trust in the reductionism and non reductionism of testimony. The non reductionism of testimony is similar to sensory perception, memory and inductive reasoning, and testimony is a self-contained source of cognition. The representative has the support of the three. Maas Reid and Edward Hinchman, and so on the contrary, the reductionism of the testimony asserted that the testimony belief eventually returned to the defense of basic beliefs, such as experience, perception, and expectation. The main representatives were David Hume, Elizabeth Flick and so on. Among them, the original theory, through the concept and reduction of Hume's human nature, was restored. It seems to me that the reductionism of testimony has a certain degree of individualism in my opinion, and trust appears in the closed interpretation of "self trust" in the redox theory of the testimony, that is to say, the object of trust is limited to the individual experience category, so that the knowledge is acquired. In the way, the testimony is reduced to the limitation of empiricism, the incompleteness inherent in the trust itself, and the blindness of trust, especially in the field of scientific knowledge. For example, how can some inobservable and non reductive things be restored to the scope of personal experience? Reductionism is gaining experience Knowledge has certain reliability, but because of the disadvantages and limitations of individualism, reductionism can not explain more knowledge, and eventually lead to the possibility of non reductionism, and the result of the theory seems to be a more direct and perfect theory. The non reductionism of the testimony epistemology, emphasizing the testimony as the testimony. A unique source of knowledge. Among them, the relationship between trust and testimony is mainly represented by the right reduction theory of hinhman. In the view of hinhman, the state of "informing" shows that the state of the testimony is the source of a unique cognitive guarantee, in addition to obtaining evidence that affects the judgment of trust, in fact, the speaker is simply a simple one. To invite the hearer's trust, that is to say, when the speaker tells the listener P this process, the speaker's behavior intention gives the listener the right to believe in P, and the listener obtains a preliminary reason to believe in P. Here, it is not the evidence of the true value of the P, but only the behavior understanding of the speaker's expression. It seems that the non reductionism, represented by hinhman, contains the inner component of the theory of reductionism, and the theory of reductionism and the theory of right reduction have common goal pointing and foundation. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to demonstrate the important role of trust in the way of acquiring knowledge, as well as the shortcomings and limitations of the two approaches of reductionism and non reductionism. It is this common problem that makes both sides tend to merge in opposition, and we should also create an intrinsic standard dimension for them. Trust continues to develop.
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