本文选题:古典学 + 国学 ; 参考:《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2017年02期
[Abstract]:The purpose of advocating the establishment of Chinese Classics, which combines Chinese and Western, is to make more researchers of humanities and social sciences abandon the excessive local complex and emotional color, and achieve the value neutrality and rational judgment in academic research. In order to find a better way to achieve the transformation of modern politics, economy and culture. As a new subject, "Classics" really provides a good opportunity for us to abandon the historical limitations of classical classics and modern classics, and to treat "classics" and "secondary schools" and "western studies" equally. This will not fall into the "middle school for the body", nor follow the "Western learning for use" and again by the "cattle body horse" joke. Nowadays, with the accelerating process of globalization in the world, it is urgent for us to absorb the advantages of Chinese and Western cultures in an atmosphere of humility, so as to make the Chinese civilization "go out of Asia" and "go to the world" as far as possible, and with Christian culture and Islamic culture. Hindu culture and other foreign cultures complement each other, harmonious symbiosis. Only in this way, the harmonious civilization can be built, and the harmonious world can exist.
【作者单位】: 山东大学文艺美学研究中心;
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