本文选题:清末 + 学界 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:孔子是中国古代社会重要人物。他被认为是儒学的创始人,而儒学又在汉代以后成为政府承认的官学,所以孔子受到历代政府的推崇,尤其在学界,他是权威的代名词。在社会领域中,他又是国人心中最有影响和统治力的“圣人”。作为少数民族入统中原的满清政权,在入关以后采取了一系列“崇儒尊孔”的措施,借此加强自己统治的合法性。而到晚清太平天国起义时,洪秀全因政治需要,将“孔圣人”从万人崇拜的庙堂中拉下来,将其变成凡人,开启了近代重新评孔的序幕。 近代中国是一个激烈变革的社会,儒学受到西学强有力的冲击,在社会领域逐渐丧失其主导地位,儒学的代表人物孔子的命运也因此发生了极大变化。清政府为维护自己统治,一方面不得不引入西学,以求富强,另一方面又担心受西方平等、自由和民主思想的影响而危及其自身统治,因此在教育改革中陷入两难境地。在教育改革中,清廷刻意抬高孔子的地位,明确将“宗孔”定为教育宗旨,希望借古“圣人”崇高的威望维系人心,维持自身统治。 在甲午战后的学术界,读书人不再沉默于书斋中,圣人孔子在知识分子们的眼中各具特色。康有为将孔子打造成孔教教主,并且是支持改革变法的圣人。谭嗣同将孔子视为民主、平等思想的拥护者,也主张建立孔教,视孔子为圣人。而在梁启超的眼中,孔子不再是圣人,而是杰出的哲学家、教育家。章太炎则极力反对将孔子神秘化的做法,孔子是一位“古之良史”者。清末革命派眼中,孔子则是专制政府维系统治的工具,是革命的对象。 在清末学堂中,传教士所办的教会学校中实行“孔子加耶稣”的教育模式,孔子成为传教士们的护身符。在普通学堂中,由于受到西学的冲击,儒学为部分学生排斥,孔子的圣人形象也因此受到冲击。在清末教科书中,孔子形象既有理性符合实际的论述,也有被政治语言“包装”的痕迹。而在清末南洋公学学潮中,学生们已经能用理性、客观的眼光看待孔子。“孔子吾全国人所尊敬者也”,“三跪九叩首之礼不足以施于圣人久矣”,孔子既是伟人,又是政府精神专制的“护身符”。 最后,本文对清末学界孔子形象变化的原因作了分析。诸子学的兴起对儒学的独尊地位造成冲击,作为儒学的创始人孔子的地位自然下降;西方的民主、平等、自由等思想随西方强大的军事、工业产品一起进入中国,功利主义的趋向促使学生逐渐疏离儒学,远离孔子;清廷不断加深的统治危机使得其采取的尊孔政策丧失权威性,而这些政策反过来造成学生的反感,且成为革命党人抨击的口实。在多种因素的合力作用下,儒家圣人孔子神圣不可侵犯的形象一去不返。
[Abstract]:Confucius was an important figure in ancient Chinese society. He was thought to be the founder of Confucianism, and Confucianism became the official school recognized by the government after the Han Dynasty, so Confucius was highly respected by the successive governments, especially in the academic world, he was the synonym of authority. In the field of society, he is the most influential and dominant sage in the hearts of Chinese people. The Manchu regime, as a minority in the Central Plains, adopted a series of measures to strengthen the legitimacy of its rule. By the time of the Taiping Heavenly Rebellion in the late Qing Dynasty, Hong Xiuquan pulled the "Confucius and sage" from the temple hall worshipped by ten thousand people and turned it into a mortal because of political necessity, which opened the prelude to a new comment on the Confucius in modern times. Modern China is a society of drastic change, Confucianism was strongly impacted by western learning, and gradually lost its leading position in the social field, and the fate of Confucius, the representative figure of Confucianism, also changed greatly. In order to maintain its own rule, the Qing government had to introduce western learning in order to be rich and strong, on the other hand, it was afraid of endangering its own rule by the influence of western equality, freedom and democratic thought, so it was caught in a dilemma in the educational reform. In the educational reform, the Qing Dynasty deliberately elevated the status of Confucius, explicitly defined the "Zongkong" as the purpose of education, hoping to use the lofty prestige of the ancient "saints" to maintain people's hearts and maintain their own rule. In the academic world after the jiawu war, the scholars were no longer silent in the study, and Confucius the sage had his own characteristics in the eyes of the intellectuals. Kang Youwei made Confucius a master of Confucianism and a saint in support of reform. Tan Sitong regarded Confucius as an advocate of democracy and equality, and advocated Confucius as a saint. In Liang Qichao's eyes, Confucius is no longer a saint, but an outstanding philosopher and educator. Zhang Taiyan is strongly opposed to the mysterious Confucius, a "good history of ancient times." In the eyes of the revolutionaries in the late Qing Dynasty, Confucius was the tool of the autocratic government to maintain its rule and the object of the revolution. In the late Qing Dynasty, the missionary school carried out the educational mode of "Confucius plus Jesus", and Confucius became the talisman of the missionaries. In ordinary schools, Confucianism is rejected by some students because of the impact of western learning, and the image of Confucius as a saint is also impacted. In the textbooks of the late Qing Dynasty, the image of Confucius is not only rational and practical, but also "packaged" by political language. In the late Qing Dynasty, students were able to look at Confucius in a rational and objective way. "Confucius who is respected by the people of our country", "three kneeling and nine kowtows is not enough to be given to saints". Confucius is not only a great man, but also a "talisman" of the autocratic government spirit. Finally, this paper analyzes the reasons for the change of Confucius image in the late Qing Dynasty. The rise of Confucianism had an impact on the exclusive status of Confucianism. As the founder of Confucianism, Confucius' status naturally declined. Western ideas of democracy, equality, and freedom came into China along with the powerful military and industrial products of the West. The tendency of utilitarianism pushed students away from Confucianism and Confucius, and the deepening crisis of the Qing Dynasty deprived them of authority, which in turn caused students to resent it. And became the revolutionary party's criticism of the truth. Under the combined action of many factors, the sacred and inviolable image of Confucian sage Confucius never returned.
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