[Abstract]:Zhang Taiyan is not only the temple army of the Qing orthodox school, but also the famous revolutionist. At the turn of the new and the old, Zhang Taiyan's restatement of the pre-Qin legalists has the function of connecting the past with the future: it is not only the inheritance and extension of the pre-Qin legalism, but also the revival of the Legalism in the early 20 ~ (th) century. From the perspective of theory, Zhang Taizhang's restatement of Legalists mainly includes three links. First of all, the political role of Shang Yang is restated in the way of correcting Shang Yang's name: Shang Yang is not a Dao and pen official, but a politician based on rescuing. Secondly, the political form of Shang Yang's design is restated by the way of correcting the name of Qin Zheng. Finally, on the basis of restating the representative figures of Legalists and the political practice of Legalists, this paper restates the roles and identities of Legalists: the Law of Writing Books is the Legalists. The restatement of the role of the Legalists reflects that Zhang Taiyan, as one of the revolutionary actions taken by revolutionaries in the field of thought, produced the effect of ideological revolution in the early 20th century.
【作者单位】: 首都经济贸易大学法学院;
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