[Abstract]:Understanding the category of the Book of changes accurately is the key step to correctly grasp the idea of the Book of changes. By analyzing the four opposite categories in the silk book Yi Zhuan of Mawangdui, this paper reveals the ideological connotation and formation process of silk book Yi Zhuan. Through the interpretation of the meanings of these opposing categories, we find a general understanding of the world that they indicate: in the process of reading the world from the opposite perspective, the Book of changes is able to put two completely different sides of the world. Toward an organic integration, So that the Yi thought can fully grasp the natural changes and social development. This mode of thinking comes directly from the process of merging divination and justice, which reveals and indicates the gradual maturation of Chinese culture from "believing in the will of Heaven" to "the Integration of Nature and Man". Through the interpretation of the opposite categories of silk book Yi Zhuan, we can clearly reproduce this process. It helps us to better understand the transformation and development of the Book of changes in the pre-Qin period.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学人文学院;
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