[Abstract]:Starting with Mou Zongsan's criticism of Kant's "moral emotion", we can find a way to understand the philosophical differences between Mou Zongsan and Kant and to understand the philosophical differences between Li Zehou and Mou Zongsan. Mou Zongsan promoted Kant's "moral metaphysics" to "moral metaphysics", while Li Zehou put forward a new idea of "aesthetic metaphysics", the former allowed practical rationality to fill its extreme, while the latter was based on human practice. Its fundamental thought difference lies in the difference between "two worlds" and "one world". Li Zehou criticized Mou Zongsan's theory of "that is, inner transcendence", and queried how this "inner transcendence theory" was inherent. Beyond what? Where does it end up? Li Zehou criticizes Mou Zongsan's "being is activity", and finally pays attention to "moral practice". "intellectual intuition" is realized through "reverse perception and physical evidence" as mysterious experience, and Li Zehou takes "production practice" as the ideological foundation. The author holds that religious morality forms a guide to social morality and points to the mystery of reason. Li Zehou criticizes Mou Zongsan's theory of "morality is religion", criticizes "the third period of Confucianism" pursuing religious character under the influence of Buddhism, and emphasizes Confucianism thought "that is, morality is aesthetic that is quasi-religion". By comparing Mou Zongsan's "moral metaphysics" with Li Zehou's "aesthetic metaphysics", we can see the future development of Chinese Confucianism.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院哲学研究所;
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