[Abstract]:Plato's insistence on forcible indoctrination never leaves a mark on one's heart. This means that the members of an ideal city-state must be genuinely convinced by rational argument that being a citizen of an ideal city-state is a life worth living. So, the Republic has been trying to understand the possibilities of human nature, the many kinds of happiness people may have. It seeks to build an ideal city-state in which every class is happy, even if they may lack virtue. But before he tried to prove that everyone could live a good life in an ideal city-state, Socrates would first have to bring them out of their bad lives, or to make them realize that their lives were bad. To do this, he needed a persuasive concept of happiness, a conceptual device that could be accepted by ordinary people and could be used to prove that their lives were not happy. Its purpose is to pull people out of the satisfaction or loss of their current life, which is partly anti-common sense, but partly common-sense. I hope to help people get rid of fallacy with the help of some correct beliefs.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;
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