[Abstract]:Is Nietzsche an atheist? Is Nietzsche a true "antichrist"? This has always been an unresolved and controversial issue in the international academic community. In fact, Nietzsche is neither an atheist nor a true antichrist. Nietzsche's "unknown God" means that man is an object of God's love, whose subtext is to love the earth and be faithful to the earth. From devout God, curse God to kill God, then from dream God, seek God to create God, fully reflects Nietzsche's indomitable spirit and never slacking pursuit. Nietzsche not only affirmed the "deepest and loftiest love" of Jesus, but also supported the Christian affirmation of human truth. Nietzsche called nihilism "Western Buddhism" or "second Buddhism" while trying to find a new perspective to overcome nihilism from the oriental thinking of Indian Buddhism. By distinguishing between "passive nihilism" and "active nihilism", Nietzsche discovered the tendency of anti-metaphysics and even the positive attitude toward reality from the seemingly negative-realistic oriental nihilism. And then discovered the new possibility of developing philosophy in the future.
【作者单位】: 吉林师范大学马克思主义学院;
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