[Abstract]:The Northern Song Dynasty was an important period in which the concept of "internal saints and foreign kings" evolved from Taoist terms to Confucian terms, among which, The overall planning and conceptual expression of the Neo-Confucianism in Northern Song Dynasty paying equal attention to the life of Heaven and the Rites and Music and the punishment and punishment are the fundamental reasons for the attention paid to the concept of internal, holy and external kings. However, the direct reason for the early use of the concept of "internal sainty and external king" to express the Confucian value ideal was the combination of the Taoist nature of Heaven Tao with the Confucian propriety, music and punishment. The concept of "inner saintly and outer king" of the new school of learning and Shu school has the connotation of Taoism as well as the factor of Confucianism, which is the product of merging Confucianism and Taoism, and plays an important role in the history of semantic evolution of internal, holy and external kings.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国学院;孟子研究院;
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