[Abstract]:Xunzi's life can be divided into three stages: Zhao, you Qi, and retreat to Lanling, and his theory of human nature has also undergone a process of development and change. Xunzi is also completed in different periods, recording the views of Xunzi at different times. According to the difference in content, Xunzi's discussion on the theory of human nature can be divided into four groups, in which "self-cultivation", "uncovering" and "meticulous" are the same groups. Although they are not completed in the same period, they all discuss the issue of "nourishing the mind and governing the mind". It constitutes the important content of Xunzi's theory of human nature. "uncovering" and "nourishing the mind are not good at sincerity" are all influenced by the study of Simeng, which shows that Xunzi returned to Simeng consciously in his later period. But this kind of return is not the same way, but maintains a high degree of theoretical consciousness. Xunzi tried to construct a more complete theory of human nature which was different from that of Simeng while absorbing and drawing lessons from the thought of Simeon, but this work was not really completed. Nevertheless, the theoretical problems put forward by Xunzi should be a major issue to be taken seriously in the course of rethinking, reviewing and even reconstructing the Confucian theory of human nature.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学国学院、出土文献与中国古代文明研究协同创新中心;
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