[Abstract]:Presenting the bibliographic context of the outline of Feuerbach is of great significance for us to interpret the outline "Article 10," but if we miss the essence of Marx's practical materialism in "see before Theory," The study of philology will only lead us astray. As a representative figure of the old materialism, Feuerbach's outstanding contribution to humanistic materialism lies in his intuitionistic view that man is "a kind of existential thing" or a social being. However, he does not understand that human being as a social being is the result of certain labor activities, and his confirmation of human sociality is only derived from the intuitionistic view without practical basis. As the essential surpassing of the old materialism, Marx's new materialism is practical materialism, which provides a realistic path to transcend the civil society on the basis of practical practice. Therefore, its foothold is the "human society or the human being" that transcends the civil society, that is, as a communist human society or as a communist society. The analysis of the new and old materialism is not a meaningless theoretical empty talk, but a matter of principle concerning the essence of Marxist philosophy revolution and the theoretical soul and social fate.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学人文学院;
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7 张,