[Abstract]:On the whole, Husserl's thinking and research on personality phenomenology is carried out in the direction of two meanings of the concept of "personality (Person)": first, the discussion of the view of personality which is opposite to naturalism. And the phenomenological description of the composition of the spiritual world, which involves the relationship between the personality self (das personale Ich) or the spiritual self (das geistige Ich) and the natural world, that is, the relationship between mind and nature and between mind and body. Second, the discussion of individual problems corresponding to social and community problems, and the problem of the construction of others through Einf 眉 hlung, It involves the relationship between individual self (das pers9nliche Ich) or individual subjectivity and social subjectivity (die individuelle oder soziale Subjektivit t), that is, the relationship between mind and the problem of intersubjectivity. We will not discuss whether there are some internal relations between the two meanings, such as the fundamental relationship between each other, but only pay attention to their mutual implication.
【作者单位】: 中山大学哲学系暨现象学研究所;
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