[Abstract]:The comparative study of Marxist philosophy and modern western philosophy mainly refers to the significance of Marxist philosophy itself and the realistic relationship between Marxist philosophy and its contemporary western philosophy. Although this kind of comparative study already exists, it is only after the Communist Party of China becomes the ruling party that it is possible for Marxism to lead the cause. Due to complicated historical reasons, it is a matter after the reform and opening up to carry out this work conscientiously. In the 1980s and 1990s, the academic circles did a lot of work in this respect. In 2000, the Maje-Xi-Zhe Dialogue held in Shanghai achieved broad consensus in this respect. Has become our country this kind of comparative research turning point. However, the legitimacy of this comparative study still needs to be further reached, and the relationship between the opposition to bourgeois liberalization and westernization and the study of modern western philosophy need to be further clarified. It is necessary to clarify the relationship between western philosophy and the development trend of modern and contemporary philosophy, especially the relationship between Marx's revolution in philosophy and the transformation of western philosophy from modern to modern times. This further reveals the relationship between Chinese and Western philosophy.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;
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