[Abstract]:Confucian culture has deeply shaped the way of thinking and behavior habits of Chinese people, and has also exerted a great influence on China's neighboring countries. The present world pattern is changing enormously and the new world order is being constructed. With the continuous strengthening of China's comprehensive national strength, China is rising peacefully to the world to provide a Chinese scheme for global governance. China must attach great importance to the surrounding environment when it moves to the world. The profound Confucian cultural foundation of China and its neighboring countries is the focal point of dealing with the peripheral diplomacy. Confucian culture, as a kind of soft power, includes the philosophy and thinking logic of the Chinese people, and it has also produced the same or similar philosophy and thinking logic in the neighboring countries. In view of the history and present situation of China and its neighboring countries, the application of Confucian culture to China's peripheral diplomacy will be conducive to the development of China's peripheral diplomatic work and play an important role in the peace and stability of the surrounding environment.
【作者单位】: 中共中央党校国际战略研究院;
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