[Abstract]:The theory of "sincerity" in the mean contains a lot of epistemological thoughts. The process of understanding sincerity is the process of recognizing the metaphysical way of heaven. Saints are born with sincerity, while ordinary people need to be clear about honesty through moral study and practice. Fundamentally speaking, the understanding of sincerity depends on an intuitive experience, in which there are strong mysticism factors. However, the epistemological construction of the Doctrine of the mean itself is aimed at the cultivation of virtue and moral practice. Therefore, the historical and cultural factors behind this epistemology can not be ignored while confirming this epistemology.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学政治学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目“中华文化元典基本概念研究”(12AZD082) 江西农业大学政治学院院级项目“儒家诚观念的运行机制与现代转化研究”
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