[Abstract]:The eastward spread of western learning in the late Ming Dynasty not only deeply affected the evolution of Chinese thought and academic, but also promoted the ancient Chinese science to embark on the road of transformation to modern science. Yang Ming's study of mind has contributed to the smooth opening of this process. Yangming mind weakened the authority of Confucian sage discourse and classical works, and reserved space for the influx of science. Yangming mind adjusted and reconstructed the Confucian view of reason and desire, the view of justice and benefit, and made the application of Confucianism become the bridge between Confucianism and science. Yang Mingxin took the lead in recognizing the value of science and accelerated the spread and root of science in China. The contribution of Yangming mind to the introduction and dissemination of science also proves once again that Confucianism itself does not exclude science, on the contrary, it can provide excellent conditions for scientific communication through its own academic transformation.
【作者单位】: 山东大学儒学高等研究院;
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