Chapter 1 Introduction
American linguist,Harris put forward the study on discourse analysis in the early1950s. After that, worldwide discourse analysts had made their great efforts to studyvarious theories of discourse analysis and approaches through lots of analysis ondiscourse. They had explored the internal rules of discourse and drawn their attentionon language. They put emphasis on language systems and semantic structures, therelationship between languages and social culture, and the relationship betweenlanguages and psychological cognition. They ignored some forms of meanings, suchas images,sound,colors and videos. (Zhu Yongsheng [朱永生],2011) Multimodaldiscourse analysis arose in the 1990s in the western countries. Discourse does notonly exist in texts,but also exists through pictures, movies,sound, charts, colors andlayouts, which are effective for meaning construction. Modality is a communicativechannel or medium, which includes semiotic system,such as languages, technology,pictures, colors and music.The traditional language times have been taken place by the multimodalcommunication. The topic is worthy of study. The importance of multimodaldiscourse cannot be ignored. Various approaches and theories can be appliedcomprehensively to analyze different texts. Various approaches and results maypromote the further researches on discourse. The systemic functional grammar has been proved to be a very effective andfeasible way to analyze most discourses. Multimodal teaching discourse is still newfor teachers and students. It has been proved that systemic functional grammar may beused in analyzing multimodal teaching discourse. A practical and integratedframework can be constructed according to "three meta-fUnctions”,which wasderived from Halliday's (1994) functional linguistics. The framework serves as aperspective to understand the meaning making and develop English thinking in theoral English teaching.In the thesis, the author puts the auditory modality to be the principal modality.The study will be based on some dialogues students made after multimodal teaching.The thesis contributes to the multimodal oral English teaching. This study will provethe applicability of multimodal discourse analysis in oral English pedagogies. The thesis attempts to apply the multimodal discourse analysis to oral Englishteaching by investigating how the different modalities, namely, auditory modality,visual modality and other modalities cooperate and coordinate in classroom. Thepurpose of the study is to apply the theory of multimodal discourse analysis to oralbusiness English teaching and explore how to apply the most effective modality andmedia teaching activities,
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
With the development of discourse analysis, the multimodal features of discourseare attracting more and more attention. The author, who teaches oral English,findsthat the application of multimodal discourse analysis to English teaching has beenemphasized. The application of multimodal discourse analysis to English teachingmeets the needs of educational reform and development. Studies on modality have been developed so widely in recent years. Modality is acommunicative channel or medium,which includes semiotic system like languages,technology,pictures, colors and music."Multimodality is a phenomenon which is communicated by means of variousways and semiotic resources, such as languages,pictures,sound and actions.”(Zhang Delu [张德禄],2009) Hu Zhuanglin [胡壮麟](2007) defined thatmultimodality means the diversity of communicative approaches in society.Multimodality refers to the combination of different semiotic modes,
2.2 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Language is a kind of speech act exists in human society. It performs an importantrole in the development and evolution of human beings. In the study of discourseanalysis,it was found that research on single modality could not discover the meaningpotential, especially with the development of modem science and technology, most meanings of discourses are reflected by non-verbal elements, such as paralanguage,body language,teaching facilities,laboratory and network. Under this circumstance,communication is carried on by multimodalities. It was claimed that multimodalityrefers to a variety of semiotic resources are used in texts,including oral language,images and other resources, which are used to construct discourse. "Gibbon (2000)declared that the approach of studying multimodality is to integrate language withother resources.,,(Xie Li [谢莉],2013: 145-147) Harris's thesis,which was named discourse analysis in Language,announced thebeginning of the study of discourse analysis. (Zhao Minjie [赵敏杰],2013) Thesemiologist,Barthes, who is from France,firstly analyzed multimodal discoursesystematically. He published his thesis Rhetoric of the image and discussed theinteraction of images and languages in expressing meanings. "T.F. Mitchell analyzedthe characteristics of business words in certain context?” (Zhao Minjie [赵敏杰],2013: 38) Kress, Van Leeuwen,Jewitt, O'Halloran, OToole,Ventila, Baldry,Thibault and Scollon are famous Multimodal Discourse Analyst overseas. Chafe(1994) demonstrated how the study of language and consciousness could provide anunexpectedly broad understanding of the way the mind works,investigated the flowof ideas through consciousness and introduced discourse from psychologicalperspective. 0’ Toole (1994) who was an early pioneer of audio-visual languageteaching methodology, explored the "grammar" of the visual arts and proposed thatviewers simultaneously read three different kinds of meaning: what is represented,how it engages us and how it is composed. Kress and Hodge (1979) first proposedthat modality could be used in non-verbal way. In recent years, the work of Kressand Van Leeuwen is becoming important approaches to discourse analysis andmeaning making. The term of "multimodality" was derived from the work. (ZhaoMinjie [赵敏杰],2013: 38) Kress and Van Leeuwen (2011) firstly put forward theconcept of multimodal discourse and constructed visual grammar. They extended theconcept of modality to image. They also made researches on the relationship between modality and media. 0’ Halloran did not only study the construction ofmultimodal theory,but also studied the multimodal phenomenon in mathematicaldiscourse. He analyzed multimodal discourse from systemic functional perspectives."Royce studied the complementation of different semiotics in multimodal discourseand the coordination of multimodalities in the second language classroom?” (LiuDan & Hu Jiaying [刘丹&胡家英],2011: 94-95) Williamson (2003) definedmultimodality, multisemiotics and multiliteracies. Le Vine, Philip and Ron Scollon(2004) opened up a discussion among discourse analysts and others in linguistics andrelated fields about the impact of new communication technologies. They analyzedmultimodality through speech and gesture,as well as through typography, layout,andthe materials employed in the making of texts. Norris (2004) offered a clearmethodology to help the reader carry out the integrative analysis. Matthiessen (2007)worked in grammar and discourse, functional grammar for English-languageteachers. Rick (2008) extended the analysis of discourse as multi-semiotic practice.O'Halloran (2011) developed the systemic fimctional- multimodal discourse analysisapproach, which explored the meaning arising through the use of language and visualimagery in printed texts. Sharon Oviatt (2012) defined multimodal interfaces andexplored the relationship between languages and human-computer, and theinteraction caused by technology.
第三章理论框架 ......17
3.1多模态话语分析理论........... 17
3.2不同模态之间的关系及其原则 .......... 25
第四章高职英语专业商务英语口语课题存在的问题......... 31
4.1 引言.......31
4.2当前高职学校英语教育存在的问题...... 31
4.3学生的英语水平 ...........32
4.4教师过时的教学理念和单一的教学模式................. 33
4.5缺乏商务环境引起较差的教学效果 ..............33
第五章多模态话语分析高职学校商务英语口语教学.......... 34
Chapter 5 Multimodal Discourse Analysis and Oral BusinessEnglish Teaching at Vocational Colleges
5.1 Introduction
At present, the traditional teaching mode of "chalk and blackboard” has not met thedemand of the information era any more. The multimedia equipments in classroombrought about the application of multimodality in teaching. Multimedia equipmentsprovide favorable conditions for the second language acquisition in English teachingclassroom at vocational colleges. The English teaching primarily involved auditorymodality and visual modality. The relationship between the two modalities is thecoordinating relationship. In the two modalities,auditory modality is the primarymodality that determines the actual communicative progress. Because Zhang Deluclaimes that "the auditory modality definitely is the linear modality." (Zhang Delu [张德禄],2009: 18) Visual modality is to strengthen auditory modality,which clarify andhighlight the information. It is to replenish some information which the auditorymodality could not convey. Teachers utilize some subsidiary teaching mode, such asimages and videos in English teaching,except for languages and words. So they alsomake use of auditory modality by means of audio and video to help studentscomprehend the teaching contents. (Fan Yonghui [范勇慧],2011) Applying varied modalities in English classes in the vocational colleges may improveteaching effects. But teachers should pay much attention to the coordination of eachmodality. If teachers' language and auditory modality are the principle modalities,movements,gestures,facial expressions and behavior play additional roles on thebasic modalities. If images, videos,PPT and blackboard-writing are used as theprinciple modalities,language may be the additional modality. In other words,teachers deliver the new knowledge and skills,which is the precondition for teaching.If the relationships of modalities are well-managed,students' concentration will bedrawn and the teaching effects will be improved. On the contrary,it may divertstudents' attention on the new knowledge and skills and cause some negative effects.When teachers apply the theory of multimodal discourse analysis to Englishclassrooms, they should prevent different modalities from inhibiting each other. Whenlanguages are used as the basic modality, teachers should use appropriate gestures andfacial expressions to strengthen their discourses. Teachers' sound volume,sound level, speed of speaking, tones and tunes make difference on language's modalities. Thus,teachers should make full use of the potential factors which may influence discourse,including the images, sound and music in PPT, even their dress and postures. Teachersshould follow the student-oriented principle and turn the students into the dominantrole.The objectives of English teaching in vocational college lay emphasis onapplication of basic communication and the application of English specialty. There isstill a long way to explore the application and research on the theory of multimodaldiscourse analysis and English teaching at vocational colleges,to further improveteaching effect and ultimately attain the goal of cultivating high quality talents. (LiuDan & Hu Jiaying [刘丹&胡家英],2011)
5.2 Multimodal teaching
Teaching system includes four key elements: teachers, students, the teaching contentsin class and teaching media. Each element is essential to ensure that teachingactivities to be carried out normally. Teachers are leading characters in classes,students are subjects. Teachers make use of teaching media to entirely show teachingcontents. Each element is separate, but each of them interacts and mutually restrictseach other. Relations of these elements make direct difference to teaching effects. Teachers are leading characters in class. They should prepare the lessons, organizestudents to discuss in classes and self-examine themselves after classes. In multimodalteaching, teachers do not only lay stress on their oral expressions, but also payattention to their own facial expressions, appearances and postures, tunes and soundvolumes, accents and tones.The principle modality of teaching is auditory modality. Teachers, utterances inclasses directly deliver information and intentions. Teachers should control their sound volumes, tones, tunes,rhythms, stress and accents when they speak English inclasses. They should deliver their words in measured cadences, pronounce every wordclearly. They should be good at giving methodical and patient guidance.Facial expressions can inflect a person's feelings and moods authentically andsharply,they can generate harmonious atmosphere in classes and build the bridge forteachers and students to communicate with each other. If teachers smile and expressby eye contact to students,the relationships between them may be improved, theatmosphere in classes also may become active and creative,,and even students,confidence may be strengthened. Body languages are closely related with theprinciple of conversation's cooperation. When teachers could not deliver their ideasclearly and accurately, they could make use of body languages to perfect the teachingactivities.
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Multimodal discourse analysis is based on systemic functional linguistics. Languages,images,sound and actions are considered as the source of meaning,they are systemicand multifunctional. Teachers coordinate the relationships of diversified modalities inEnglish teaching and accomplish the communication in class more smoothly andeffectively. But they have to pay attention to using modalities properly and prevent theteaching effects from decreasing by counteraction. Multimodal discourse analysis isstill at the initial stage; it needs the fiirther research on its application to Englishteaching. The author has taught oral business English for four year. The author appliedmultimodal discourse analysis to oral business English classrooms at vocationalcolleges, which played an important and positive role in teaching, and promoted thestudents of vocational colleges to leam English initiatively. The author tried tocombine the English learning with foreign trade practice and strengthen thepracticability of learning English to improve students' oral English proficiency. Butthe research on multimodal discourse analysis is still in the initial stage; it needsteachers and analysts to explore and study in the teaching practice in the future.The necessity of multimodal teaching mode could be proved in this thesis.Multimodal teaching modes should establish on the basis of the applied modality. Thesynergic relationships of different modalities should be well-handled so as to set up anappropriate modality or combination of some modalities which are decided by variousteaching objectives. Also, complementary relationships of various modalities shouldbe made full use to improve and perfect multimodal teaching modes. (Xi Liming [席丽明],2013)In this thesis, the author had some new ideas,one of which was shown in 5.4.3Basic features of oral English teaching. The author had a different viewpoint fromLevelt's idea (1989). According to Levelt, the step of conceiving concept was not as important as the last three steps in the process of generating oral languages. Theauthor believed that the step of conceiving concept was closely with students'developing English thinking when they were learning English as their secondlanguage. From the figure,it was found that English thinking plays an important rolein speaking English.The other idea is the author's dissent from Xiao Liquan's four steps for teachingmode in oral English class. In Figure 5.5,the fourth step is the stage for teachers toinvestigate the situations of the tasks students have fulfilled. The aim of this step is tosummarize students,colloquial expressions and make remarks. Xiao Liquan [肖礼全]proposed that this stage was dispensable in some drills and colloquial conversationswhich were not worthy of investigation. But the author of the thesis believed that thestage of teachers' investigation and evaluation on students' colloquial performancewas not insignificant; even it was an extremely important part in teaching. Students'performance in oral English classroom is not perfect, but defective. The role ofteachers at this time is very important. Teachers should teach students to face andcorrect errors in class adequately,and they teach students how to apply fimctionalevaluation strategies properly, eventually help students to improve their learningeffects and oral English proficiencies.