本文关键词:论司法改革背景下的人民法院独立行使审判权 出处:《黑龙江大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee, our party has carried on the accurate localization to our country's judicial reform, at the same time, the judicial reform is also facing a new round of deep cultivation, how to promote the judicial reform smoothly. How to realize the goal of the people's court exercising its jurisdiction independently in the process of judicial reform has become a key research direction. A variety of internal and external factors still have an impact on the independent exercise of judicial power of the people's court. Although China has made positive adjustments to this phenomenon in recent years, the judicial system reform is difficult because of the long execution. There are still some unavoidable problems, it is difficult for the people's court to exercise the jurisdiction independently and thoroughly to achieve the goal of judicial reform in China, such as: judicial localization, judicial administration, judicial power weakening. There are still some problems, such as not realizing the independence of trial level, but these malpractices involve many levels and cannot be solved overnight. At the same time, our country has its own unique national conditions. We can not completely copy the foreign methods to carry out the reform. Therefore, we should also follow the needs of the development of national conditions while safeguarding the independent exercise of the judicial power of the people's court. Therefore, in the course of studying how to guarantee the people's court to exercise its jurisdiction independently, we should first base on the historical development and evolution of our country's judicial system. Starting from the important guiding significance of the independent exercise of judicial power by the people's court in our country, the author formulates the relevant mechanism norm to ensure the smooth reform of the judicial system of our country. Firstly, this paper starts with the connotation of the independent exercise of the judicial power by the people's court. Starting with the structure and characteristics, aiming at the corrupt judicial idea and the practical malpractice of the judicial system reform in our country at present, this paper analyzes the effective way to realize the independent exercise of the judicial power of the people's court. Therefore, this article combines the internal and external factors which hinder the independent exercise of judicial power to put forward some personal ideas on the reform of the current judicial system.
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